Friday 2 October 2020

write 1000 uniq perl interview questions and answers to master in perl - part1

  1. Q: In Perl, what does the sigil $_ represent?

    A: In Perl, the sigil $_ represents the default argument to a subroutine. It is a global variable that is set automatically by Perl whenever a subroutine is called.

  2. Q: In Perl, what does the backslash \ do in front of a variable name?

    A: In Perl, the backslash \ in front of a variable name is used to force a string interpretation of the variable, rather than a numeric interpretation. This can be useful when working with non-numeric variables, or when you want to avoid potential side effects caused by Perl's built-in operations on numbers

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Friday 11 December 2020

Perl - securing web services using OAuth 2.0

Hi, This program is a simple OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization implementation using the Mojolicious web framework in Perl. It allows a user to log in and authorize a client application to access protected resources.

The program defines the necessary endpoints for authentication and authorization using the get method from the Mojolicious::Lite module. The $auth_endpoint and $token_endpoint variables define the authentication and token endpoints for the OAuth 2.0 provider. The $client_id, $client_secret, $redirect_uri, and $scope variables define the client credentials and scope for the OAuth 2.0 client.

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Wednesday 9 December 2020

securing Perl web services using token-based authentication and authorization

Hi, Today program is a simple authentication and authorization example using Mojolicious, a lightweight web framework for Perl. The program sets up a login route for users to authenticate with a username and password. If the credentials are correct, the server generates a token by concatenating the server's secret key and the current time. The token is then stored in a session and returned to the user. The token is later used to authorize access to protected routes under '/api'. When a user tries to access the example route, the server checks if the token stored in the session matches the token generated earlier. If the tokens match, the user is authorized to access the resource, and the server returns the example data in JSON format. If the tokens don't match, the server returns an error message and a 403 Forbidden status code.

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Thursday 9 June 2022

perl vlsi program for Design Rule Checker


use strict;

use warnings;

# Read design rules from file

my $rule_file = shift;

open my $fh, "<", $rule_file or die "Error: Could not open rule file: $!\n";

my $rules = do { local $/; <$fh> };

close $fh;

# Read layout design from file

my $design_file = shift;

open $fh, "<", $design_file or die "Error: Could not open design file: $!\n";

my $design = do { local $/; <$fh> };

close $fh;

# Check design against rules

my $errors = 0;

foreach my $rule (split /\n/, $rules) {

    chomp $rule;

    $rule =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

    next if $rule =~ /^#/;

    if ($rule =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*?)$/) {

        my $rule_type = $1;

        my $rule_pattern = $2;

        if ($rule_type eq "layer") {

            # Check for correct layer usage

            my @matches = $design =~ /$rule_pattern/g;

            if (@matches) {

                print "Error: Found $rule_type \"$rule_pattern\" in layout design\n";




        elsif ($rule_type eq "spacing") {

            # Check for minimum spacing between objects

            my $spacing = $rule_pattern;

            my $pattern = "\\s*[Mm]\\s*\\(\\s*\\d+\\s*\\)\\s*[Mm]"; # matches two adjacent metal layers

            my @matches = $design =~ /$pattern/g;

            foreach my $match (@matches) {

                if ($match =~ /($pattern){0,$spacing-1}/) {

                    print "Error: Found adjacent objects with spacing less than $spacing in layout design\n";


                    last; # exit loop once an error is found




        else {

            print "Warning: Unknown design rule type \"$rule_type\"\n";




if ($errors == 0) {

    print "Design passed all design rule checks.\n";


else {

    print "Design failed $errors design rule checks.\n";


 it will print out any errors or warnings that are detected during the design rule checking process. If there are no errors, it will print a message indicating that the design has passed all design rule checks.

design rules are specified in a file, where each rule is a line that starts with a rule type ("layer" or "spacing"), followed by a rule pattern that specifies the layer or spacing requirements. 

For example:

# Design rules file

layer M1

layer M2

spacing 3 

run it from the command line and specify the design rules file and layout design file as arguments. For example:

$ perl design_rules.txt layout_design.gds is the name of the Perl program, design_rules.txt is the name of the file containing the design rules, and layout_design.gds is the name of the layout design file to be checked.

example design rules file that checks for some common design rule violations:

# Design Rules File

# Define spacing rules

spacing metal1_metal1 0.12

spacing metal1_via1 0.12

spacing metal2_metal2 0.15

spacing metal2_via2 0.15

# Define width rules

width metal1 0.25

width metal2 0.4

# Define enclosure rules

enclosure metal1_via1 0.1

enclosure metal2_via2 0.2

The spacing rule checks the minimum distance between two layers, while the width rule checks the minimum width of a metal layer. The enclosure rule checks the minimum amount of metal surrounding a via.

The metal1_metal1, metal1_via1, metal2_metal2, and metal2_via2 keywords are the layer types that the rules apply to. These keywords should match the layer names used in the layout design file.

To use this design rules file with the program, you would specify the filename as the first argument when running the program:

$ perl design_rules.txt layout_design.gds

use strict;
use warnings;

# Read in the design rules file
my $rules_file = $ARGV[0];
open(my $rules_fh, '<', $rules_file) or die "Could not open $rules_file: $!";

# Parse the design rules and store them in a hash
my %rules;
while (my $line = <$rules_fh>) {
    chomp $line;
    my ($rule_type, $layer_type, $value) = split ' ', $line;
    $rules{$rule_type}{$layer_type} = $value;
close $rules_fh;

# Read in the layout design file
my $layout_file = $ARGV[1];
open(my $layout_fh, '<', $layout_file) or die "Could not open $layout_file: $!";

# Parse the layout design and check against the design rules
my $line_number = 0;
while (my $line = <$layout_fh>) {
    chomp $line;

    # Check for minimum spacing violations
    if ($line =~ /^S\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)/) {
        my ($type1, $layer1, $type2, $layer2, $distance, $extension) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
        if ($rules{'spacing'}{"$layer1\_$layer2"} && $distance < $rules{'spacing'}{"$layer1\_$layer2"}) {
            print "Error: Minimum spacing violation on line $line_number\n";

    # Check for minimum width violations
    if ($line =~ /^W\s(\S+)\s(\S+)/) {
        my ($layer, $width) = ($1, $2);
        if ($rules{'width'}{$layer} && $width < $rules{'width'}{$layer}) {
            print "Error: Minimum width violation on line $line_number\n";

    # Check for minimum enclosure violations
    if ($line =~ /^E\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)/) {
        my ($type1, $layer1, $type2, $layer2, $distance) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
        if ($rules{'enclosure'}{"$layer1\_$layer2"} && $distance < $rules{'enclosure'}{"$layer1\_$layer2"}) {
            print "Error: Minimum enclosure violation on line $line_number\n";
close $layout_fh;

The design rules file should contain the following information:

  • Minimum spacing between two layers
  • Minimum width for a layer
  • Minimum enclosure of one layer around another layer

The layout design file should contain the following information for each component:

  • Type of component
  • Layer of component
  • Position of component
  • Dimensions of component

The program will output an error message for any violations of the design rules, indicating the type of violation and the line number in the layout design file where the violation occurred.


Monday 9 November 2020

securing Perl web services - Tutorial

Validate input data: 

Make sure that all input data is properly validated and sanitized to prevent attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.

Use secure transport protocols: 

Use secure transport protocols such as HTTPS to encrypt communication between the client and the server.

Use authentication and authorization: 

Use authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive resources or perform certain actions.

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Friday 17 December 2021

"javac is not recognized as an internal or external command" error message that is appearing on your Windows or Linux machine?

The error message "javac is not recognized as an internal or external command" typically means that the Java compiler (javac) is not properly installed or configured on your system, or the system cannot find its location.

Here are some steps you can take to fix this issue in Windows:

Check if Java is installed: Open the Command Prompt and type "java -version" to see if Java is installed. If you see the version number, then Java is installed on your system. If not, you need to install Java.

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Wednesday 9 September 2020

perl GetOptions tutorial

Getopt::Long module in Perl to parse command line options and arguments.

Getopt::Long is a Perl module that provides a way to parse command line options and arguments in a flexible and powerful way. It supports both short and long options, as well as optional and mandatory arguments.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use Getopt::Long:

use strict;

use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;

my $name;

my $age;

my $verbose;


    "name=s"    => \$name,     # string option

    "age=i"     => \$age,      # integer option

    "verbose"   => \$verbose,  # flag option

) or die "Error in command line arguments\n";

if ($verbose) {

    print "Name: $name\n" if defined $name;

    print "Age: $age\n" if defined $age;


In this example, we first declare three variables $name, $age, and $verbose to hold the values of the options we will parse. We then call the GetOptions() function to parse the command line options.

The first argument to GetOptions() is an anonymous hash that defines the options we want to parse. The key is the option name, and the value is a reference to the variable that will hold the option value.

For example, the "name=s" option specifies a string option named name. The =s part tells GetOptions() to expect a string argument after the name option. The => operator assigns the value of the option to the $name variable.

Similarly, the "age=i" option specifies an integer option named age. The =i part tells GetOptions() to expect an integer argument after the age option.

The "verbose" option specifies a flag option, which does not take any argument. If the --verbose option is present on the command line, the $verbose variable will be set to a true value.

Finally, we use the $verbose variable to determine whether to print the parsed options. If $verbose is true, we print the values of $name and $age if they are defined.

The GetOptions() function returns a true value if it successfully parses the options, or false if there is an error. In this example, we use the or die syntax to print an error message and exit the script if there is an error in the command line arguments.

Example 2:

use Getopt::Long;

my $name;
my $age;

GetOptions("name=s" => \$name, "age=i" => \$age);

print "Name: $name\n";
print "Age: $age\n";

In this example, we are using GetOptions to parse command line arguments. The Getopt::Long module provides the GetOptions function which takes a list of option specifications and a reference to a hash or a variable where the options and their values will be stored.

In this example, we define two variables $name and $age that will hold the values of the name and age options respectively. We then call GetOptions with two option specifications: "name=s" and "age=i". The s and i indicate that the name option is a string and the age option is an integer.

The backslash (\) before the variables tells GetOptions to store the values in those variables. If we didn't provide the backslash, GetOptions would print the values to STDOUT and exit the script.

We can run the script with the following command:

$ perl --name "John Doe" --age 30

This will output:

Name: John Doe 
Age: 30

Note that the order of the options doesn't matter. We could have provided the --age option before the --name option and it would still work the same way.


Wednesday 8 April 2020

perl nagios tutorial

Nagios is a popular open-source monitoring system used to monitor hosts, services, and network devices. In Perl, you can use the Nagios::Plugin module to develop custom plugins to monitor various aspects of your system. Here's a basic tutorial on developing Nagios plugins in Perl:

1.Install Nagios::Plugin module: 

You can install the Nagios::Plugin module using the CPAN shell or your system's package manager.

2.Create a Perl script: 

Create a new Perl script and include the Nagios::Plugin module:


use Nagios::Plugin;

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