Sunday 15 January 2023

Perl Interview Questions and Answers - March 2023 Updated 2

 Find Lowest Missing Numbers in perl

The given program is a Perl script designed to find the lowest missing numbers from an array of integers. The script begins by initializing an array of integers named "@arr", which contains a set of random integers. The script then creates a hash called "%hash" that maps each integer in "@arr" to the value 1.

Next, the script finds the maximum integer in "@arr" using the "sort" function and saves it to a variable named "$max". It also sets the value of the minimum integer to -1, and initializes an empty array called "@missing" to store the missing numbers.

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Saturday 14 January 2023

Perl Interview Questions and Answers - March 2023 Updated

John","Smith", 9999 9999, "42,  some street, some area", "bangalore",560038

in above strings "9999 9999" should be single string and "42,  some street, some area" should be single string and 560038 should be single string remaining separate variables write perl program in multiple methods

Sure, here are three different methods to accomplish the task:

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Thursday 28 October 2021

Top 500 unique perl programming interview questions and answers to master in perl regular expression programs - part1


  1. How can I remove leading and trailing white spaces from a string in Perl?
1$str = " Hello World! "; 2$str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; 3print $str; # Output: "Hello World!"
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Thursday 21 October 2021

write 1000 uniq perl interview questions and answers to master in perl part 2

 251. Q: In Perl, how can you find the position of a substring within a string?

1A: In Perl, you can find the position of a substring within a string by using the `index` function. Here is an example: 2 3```perl 4use strict; 5use warnings; 6 7my $string = 'Hello, World! World is beautiful.'; 8my $substring = 'World'; 9 10my $position = index $string, $substring; 11 12if ($position == -1) { 13 print "The substring was not found in the string.\n"; 14} else { 15 print "The substring was found at position: $position\n"; 16} 17``` 18 19In this example, the script finds the position of the substring `'World'` within the string `'Hello, World! World is beautiful.'` and prints the resulting position.

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Friday 2 October 2020

write 1000 uniq perl interview questions and answers to master in perl - part1

  1. Q: In Perl, what does the sigil $_ represent?

    A: In Perl, the sigil $_ represents the default argument to a subroutine. It is a global variable that is set automatically by Perl whenever a subroutine is called.

  2. Q: In Perl, what does the backslash \ do in front of a variable name?

    A: In Perl, the backslash \ in front of a variable name is used to force a string interpretation of the variable, rather than a numeric interpretation. This can be useful when working with non-numeric variables, or when you want to avoid potential side effects caused by Perl's built-in operations on numbers

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Monday 18 March 2024

AWS Interview Questions Answers - Design Resilent Architectures

Question 1. At we use machine learning technologies to collect

and analyze data, and we use Amazon Redshift for a data warehouse. Now, we need

your knowledge to help us implement a disaster recovery plan for

to automatically back up our cluster to a second AWS region in the event of an AWS

region outage. Which of the following option will you suggest to implement?

(A) Use Amazon Redshift enhanced VPC routing

(B) Configure cross-Region snapshot

(C) Enable automated snapshots

(D) You don't need to back up the cluster to a second AWS region as Amazon

Redshift is highly available

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