Monday 1 March 2021

Top 10 best Books to Learn Java for C and C++ Programmer?

 Java is a popular programming language that has been around for over two decades. It is widely used in the industry and is a favorite among developers due to its simplicity, portability, and versatility. C and C++ programmers who are interested in learning Java may find the transition to be relatively straightforward, as Java shares some similarities with C and C++.

To aid in the process of learning Java, there are many books available that cater specifically to the needs of C and C++ programmers. These books cover a wide range of topics, including Java syntax, object-oriented programming, data structures, network programming, performance optimization, and more. In this context, we have listed the top 10 books that are recommended for C and C++ programmers who are looking to learn Java.

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Monday 8 April 2024

The Essence of Pass-by-Value and Pass-by-Reference in Java

One of the most enduring debates among Java developers revolves around its parameter passing mechanism. Is Java “pass-by-reference” or “pass-by-value”? This question is not just academic—it affects how we design and write Java applications. To settle this debate, we need to dive into the intricacies of Java’s parameter passing, armed with examples that illuminate the true nature of Java’s workings.Read more »


Friday 17 December 2021

"javac is not recognized as an internal or external command" error message that is appearing on your Windows or Linux machine?

The error message "javac is not recognized as an internal or external command" typically means that the Java compiler (javac) is not properly installed or configured on your system, or the system cannot find its location.

Here are some steps you can take to fix this issue in Windows:

Check if Java is installed: Open the Command Prompt and type "java -version" to see if Java is installed. If you see the version number, then Java is installed on your system. If not, you need to install Java.

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Friday 19 April 2024

Comparing Strings in Java with Special Considerations for Null and Empty Values

In Java development, handling String comparisons where either or both strings might be null or empty (i.e., "") is a common challenge. Specifically, situations arise where null values should logically equate to empty strings. This requirement is particularly useful in applications dealing with user inputs or data interchange where the absence of a string (null) is effectively the same as an empty string. Today, we’ll explore different methods to implement this comparison logic in Java.

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Saturday 13 April 2024

Handling Null Checks in Java: Best Practices and Techniques

Handling nulls is a frequent challenge in Java programming. Properly managing these checks can make code more readable, efficient, and less error-prone. Let’s explore various strategies and alternatives to the traditional if (x != null) check.Read more »


Saturday 20 April 2024

Resolving Java Agent Warnings in IntelliJ After JDK Upgrade

Upgrading your Java Development Kit (JDK) can sometimes lead to unexpected warnings or errors, especially when transitioning from older versions like JDK 17 to newer ones such as JDK 21. One common issue developers might encounter is a warning about a dynamically loaded Java agent. This blog post will guide you through resolving these warnings in IntelliJ, using both Maven and Gradle, along with alternative configurations not covered in common solutions.

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Saturday 1 January 2022

Example of sorting an ArrayList in reverse order in Java

Hi, Today program demonstrates how to sort an ArrayList of integers in reverse order in Java using the Collections.sort method with the Collections.reverseOrder() method. It creates a new ArrayList of integers, adds four elements to it, and prints the contents of the ArrayList before and after sorting in reverse order.

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Wednesday 6 September 2023

Top 7 FREE Courses by Udacity: Boost Your Tech Skills Today!

Are you looking to enhance your technology skills without breaking the bank? Look no further than Udacity, a leading online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses in various fields such as programming, data analysis, mobile app development, and more. Here are seven top-notch courses offered by Udacity that you can take for free!

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