Monday 10 October 2022

Automated Web Scraping of Product Prices using Perl

Perl Selenium to automate the web scraping of product prices from an online store. The goal is to collect up-to-date price data on products for analysis and comparison.

To get started, you will need to create a Perl script that opens the product page in a browser, extracts the product name and price, and saves it to a file or database. You can use the find_element and get_text methods to locate and extract data from the page.

Here's some example code to extract the product name and price:

use Selenium::Remote::Driver;

my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new(

    browser_name => 'firefox'


# Navigate to the product page


# Extract the product name and price

my $product_name = $driver->find_element('product_name_selector')->get_text();

my $product_price = $driver->find_element('product_price_selector')->get_text();

You can then use the write_file or insert_row methods to save the data to a file or database for later analysis.

Here's some example code to write the data to a CSV file:

use Text::CSV

# Write the product data to a CSV file
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1, eol => "\n" });
open my $fh, '>>', 'product_prices.csv' or die "product_prices.csv: $!";
$csv->print($fh, [$product_name, $product_price]);
close $fh;

You can then use a loop and a sleep method to automate the process of scraping product prices from multiple pages on the online store.

Here's some example code to loop through multiple product pages:

use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);

# List of product page URLs to scrape
my @product_urls = ('', '', '');

foreach my $product_url (@product_urls) {
    # Navigate to the product page

    # Extract the product name and price
    my $product_name = $driver->find_element('product_name_selector')->get_text();
    my $product_price = $driver->find_element('product_price_selector')->get_text();

    # Write the product data to a CSV file
    my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1, eol => "\n" });
    open my $fh, '>>', 'product_prices.csv' or die "product_prices.csv: $!";
    $csv->print($fh, [$product_name, $product_price]);
    close $fh;

    # Wait for a few seconds before scraping the next page

You can also use the screenshot method to capture screenshots of the product pages and any error messages that may appear during scraping.Thanks.



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