Wednesday 24 April 2024

Managing UI Updates in Blazor with Event Handlers

When developing web applications using Blazor, it’s common to need a way to update the UI in response to data changes. Such updates can be tricky when the change is triggered by an event, especially in a scenario where the UI component subscribes to these events. This post discusses how to handle UI updates efficiently using Blazor’s event handling mechanisms and asynchronous programming patterns without causing performance issues or errors.

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Tuesday 23 April 2024

Extracting Data from XML Files Using Linux Command Line

In the world of system administration and data processing, the ability to extract specific information from XML files directly on the command line is a valuable skill. Although XML files are best handled with tools designed for XML due to their structure and nesting levels, sometimes you might find yourself restricted to using basic Unix utilities like grep and sed. Here, we’ll explore how to use these tools to extract data from XML files, specifically focusing on retrieving a username from an XML configuration file.

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Monday 22 April 2024

Resolving Swagger UI Access Issues in Spring Boot 3

Migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 brings many improvements and changes, particularly in how security configurations are handled. This migration can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior, especially when integrating components like Swagger UI with Spring Security. A common issue faced during such upgrades is the inaccessibility of Swagger UI due to security constraints that weren’t previously an issue in Spring Boot 2. This blog post will address how to resolve these issues, ensuring that Swagger UI remains accessible while keeping the rest of your API secured.Read more »


Sunday 21 April 2024

Migrating Kafka Producers/Consumers to Use CompletableFuture in Spring-Kafka


When upgrading from older versions of Spring to Spring-Kafka 3.1 or later, developers must adapt their code to accommodate changes in asynchronous handling mechanisms. One significant shift is the migration from ListenableFuture to CompletableFuture. In this post, we’ll explore how to replace ListenableFuture with CompletableFuture in a Kafka producer and consumer scenario, ensuring backward compatibility and leveraging the new API’s capabilities.

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Saturday 20 April 2024

Resolving Java Agent Warnings in IntelliJ After JDK Upgrade

Upgrading your Java Development Kit (JDK) can sometimes lead to unexpected warnings or errors, especially when transitioning from older versions like JDK 17 to newer ones such as JDK 21. One common issue developers might encounter is a warning about a dynamically loaded Java agent. This blog post will guide you through resolving these warnings in IntelliJ, using both Maven and Gradle, along with alternative configurations not covered in common solutions.

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Friday 19 April 2024

Comparing Strings in Java with Special Considerations for Null and Empty Values

In Java development, handling String comparisons where either or both strings might be null or empty (i.e., "") is a common challenge. Specifically, situations arise where null values should logically equate to empty strings. This requirement is particularly useful in applications dealing with user inputs or data interchange where the absence of a string (null) is effectively the same as an empty string. Today, we’ll explore different methods to implement this comparison logic in Java.

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Thursday 18 April 2024

DevOps Day to Day Activities

 In the fast-paced world of DevOps, each day brings a new set of challenges and opportunities for engineers striving to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and optimize systems. From wrangling infrastructure code to orchestrating seamless deployments, the day-to-day activities of a DevOps engineer are as diverse as they are essential to the success of modern software development.Read more »
