Monday 29 April 2024

IllegalArgumentException: No serializer found for class...


Testing in Java can sometimes introduce unexpected challenges, especially when dealing with serialization and libraries like Jackson’s ObjectMapper in conjunction with Mockito for mocking dependencies. A common issue many developers encounter is the IllegalArgumentException: No serializer found for class... when they try to automate testing of methods involving object serialization. This blog post delves into solving this problem by improving the testing setup, ensuring that ObjectMapper is properly mocked, and integrating it within test cases effectively.

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Sunday 28 April 2024

This browser or app may not be secure, while trying to automate Gmail access through Selenium WebDriver

Are you facing the dreaded “This browser or app may not be secure” error while trying to automate Gmail access through Selenium WebDriver? This common hurdle can frustrate testers and developers alike. Today, I’ll explore different techniques to bypass this security measure, helping you to successfully automate your Gmail interactions.Read more »


Saturday 27 April 2024

Hey, New to DevOps?

As the world of software development evolves, so does the need for efficient DevOps practices. Whether you’re new to the field or looking to enhance your knowledge, understanding the tools that facilitate DevOps processes is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most widely used DevOps tools across various categories, complete with links to their official documentation.Read more »


Friday 26 April 2024

Correcting UTF-8 Errors in Perl Strings

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to identify and replace invalid UTF-8 characters in Perl strings. The Unicode Text Format (UTF-8) is a standard encoding used for text data in computers and on the internet. Ensuring that text strings conform to valid UTF-8 is crucial for data integrity and application stability.Read more »


Thursday 25 April 2024

Perl Subroutines Handling @_ and shift without Argument Interchange

In Perl, subroutines are a fundamental component for reusing code and managing complexity. However, handling arguments within these subroutines using @_ and shift can sometimes lead to confusion and errors if not done properly. This blog post aims to clarify these concepts and provide practical examples to ensure that you handle subroutine arguments effectively and avoid common pitfalls.Read more »


Wednesday 24 April 2024

Managing UI Updates in Blazor with Event Handlers

When developing web applications using Blazor, it’s common to need a way to update the UI in response to data changes. Such updates can be tricky when the change is triggered by an event, especially in a scenario where the UI component subscribes to these events. This post discusses how to handle UI updates efficiently using Blazor’s event handling mechanisms and asynchronous programming patterns without causing performance issues or errors.

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Tuesday 23 April 2024

Extracting Data from XML Files Using Linux Command Line

In the world of system administration and data processing, the ability to extract specific information from XML files directly on the command line is a valuable skill. Although XML files are best handled with tools designed for XML due to their structure and nesting levels, sometimes you might find yourself restricted to using basic Unix utilities like grep and sed. Here, we’ll explore how to use these tools to extract data from XML files, specifically focusing on retrieving a username from an XML configuration file.

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Monday 22 April 2024

Resolving Swagger UI Access Issues in Spring Boot 3

Migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 brings many improvements and changes, particularly in how security configurations are handled. This migration can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior, especially when integrating components like Swagger UI with Spring Security. A common issue faced during such upgrades is the inaccessibility of Swagger UI due to security constraints that weren’t previously an issue in Spring Boot 2. This blog post will address how to resolve these issues, ensuring that Swagger UI remains accessible while keeping the rest of your API secured.Read more »


Sunday 21 April 2024

Migrating Kafka Producers/Consumers to Use CompletableFuture in Spring-Kafka


When upgrading from older versions of Spring to Spring-Kafka 3.1 or later, developers must adapt their code to accommodate changes in asynchronous handling mechanisms. One significant shift is the migration from ListenableFuture to CompletableFuture. In this post, we’ll explore how to replace ListenableFuture with CompletableFuture in a Kafka producer and consumer scenario, ensuring backward compatibility and leveraging the new API’s capabilities.

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Saturday 20 April 2024

Resolving Java Agent Warnings in IntelliJ After JDK Upgrade

Upgrading your Java Development Kit (JDK) can sometimes lead to unexpected warnings or errors, especially when transitioning from older versions like JDK 17 to newer ones such as JDK 21. One common issue developers might encounter is a warning about a dynamically loaded Java agent. This blog post will guide you through resolving these warnings in IntelliJ, using both Maven and Gradle, along with alternative configurations not covered in common solutions.

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Friday 19 April 2024

Comparing Strings in Java with Special Considerations for Null and Empty Values

In Java development, handling String comparisons where either or both strings might be null or empty (i.e., "") is a common challenge. Specifically, situations arise where null values should logically equate to empty strings. This requirement is particularly useful in applications dealing with user inputs or data interchange where the absence of a string (null) is effectively the same as an empty string. Today, we’ll explore different methods to implement this comparison logic in Java.

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Thursday 18 April 2024

DevOps Day to Day Activities

 In the fast-paced world of DevOps, each day brings a new set of challenges and opportunities for engineers striving to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and optimize systems. From wrangling infrastructure code to orchestrating seamless deployments, the day-to-day activities of a DevOps engineer are as diverse as they are essential to the success of modern software development.Read more »


Wednesday 17 April 2024

How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery?

 jQuery, with its simplicity and power, has been a cornerstone of web development for years. Among its plethora of features, handling element visibility is a common requirement. In this blog post, we’ll dive into various methods of checking if an element is hidden, toggling its visibility, and testing its visibility status.

Checking if an Element is Hidden

The question of whether an element is hidden often arises in dynamic web applications. While the .is(":visible") and .is(":hidden") methods are commonly used, there are alternative approaches worth exploring.

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Tuesday 16 April 2024

Some Common Errors In Linux And Solutions

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

𝐄𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫: When you try to run a command, and Linux responds with “𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝.”
𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Ensure that the command is spelled correctly and that the program is installed. Use the 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 or 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐬 command to locate the executable and check your system’s PATH variable.

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Monday 15 April 2024

Component Iteration in React JSX Strategies for Seamless Repetition

 Transitioning from traditional templating to JSX in React can be a bit perplexing, especially when you’re accustomed to looping constructs like for. In JSX, which ultimately compiles down to JavaScript function calls, you need to employ a different approach to achieve repetitive rendering. Let’s explore various techniques to repeat components in JSX.

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Sunday 14 April 2024

Understanding the ... in React

The spread operator, represented by ..., is a powerful tool in JavaScript and React. It allows an iterable such as an array expression or string to be expanded or an object expression to be expanded wherever placed. This is not specific to React. It is a JavaScript operator.

Let’s dive into some practical examples to understand its usage better.

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Saturday 13 April 2024

Handling Null Checks in Java: Best Practices and Techniques

Handling nulls is a frequent challenge in Java programming. Properly managing these checks can make code more readable, efficient, and less error-prone. Let’s explore various strategies and alternatives to the traditional if (x != null) check.Read more »


Friday 12 April 2024

Unlocking Success with Microservices: 9 Proven Practices

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the adoption of microservices has surged, driven by the promise of enhanced agility, scalability, and maintainability. However, transitioning to a microservices architecture is no trivial feat. It demands a meticulous approach, underpinned by best practices that ensure the journey is both efficient and effective. Herein lies the essence of this discourse: a guide through nine golden rules that pave the way to mastering microservices, ensuring your architectural endeavors are both successful and sustainable.

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Thursday 11 April 2024

Fetching Data from APIs in JavaScript Examples

In the vast and dynamic world of web development, one of the essential skills for any developer is the ability to fetch data from APIs. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow your application to interact with external software components, databases, or services. This interaction is crucial for building dynamic, data-driven web applications. JavaScript, being one of the most popular programming languages for web development, provides a powerful yet straightforward way to fetch data from APIs through the Fetch API. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use the Fetch API in JavaScript with practical examples.Read more »


Wednesday 10 April 2024

Securely Managing AWS Credentials in Docker Containers

When working with AWS and Docker, a common challenge is securely managing AWS credentials within Docker containers. With the evolution of Docker and AWS services, there are now multiple strategies for handling AWS credentials more securely and efficiently, without resorting to less secure practices like hard-coding them into Docker images or passing them directly through environment variables.Read more »


Tuesday 9 April 2024

Resolving the “.NET Core SDK Not Found” Error on Ubuntu 22.0


If you’re developing .NET applications on Ubuntu, you might encounter a frustrating error: “A fatal error occurred. The folder [/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr] does not exist.” This issue typically arises after updating .NET or the operating system itself, leading to a broken .NET environment. But fear not, this blog post will guide you through resolving this issue with new code examples, steering clear of previously suggested fixes.

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Monday 8 April 2024

The Essence of Pass-by-Value and Pass-by-Reference in Java

One of the most enduring debates among Java developers revolves around its parameter passing mechanism. Is Java “pass-by-reference” or “pass-by-value”? This question is not just academic—it affects how we design and write Java applications. To settle this debate, we need to dive into the intricacies of Java’s parameter passing, armed with examples that illuminate the true nature of Java’s workings.Read more »


Sunday 7 April 2024

Navigating Programmatically with React Router

 In modern web applications, navigation isn’t just about clicking links. Sometimes, you need to navigate based on user actions, such as selecting an option from a dropdown or after the completion of a form. React Router, a cornerstone library for routing in React applications, provides a robust solution for this kind of navigation. Let’s explore how to navigate programmatically in React using React Router, going beyond the traditional <Link> component.Read more »


Saturday 6 April 2024

what are the responsibilities of a devops engineer?

In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, the role of a DevOps engineer has become increasingly pivotal. Merging the expertise of development and operations teams, DevOps engineers drive efficiency, reliability, and faster time-to-market for software products. Here, we explore the diverse responsibilities that define this crucial role.Read more »


Friday 5 April 2024

Object Destructuring in JavaScript


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Thursday 4 April 2024

Mastering Kubernetes Services: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, NodePort


In the intricate ecosystem of Kubernetes, grasping the nuances of services is akin to unlocking a new level of mastery over your deployments. Services in Kubernetes are not just components; they are the lifelines that determine how applications interact with the world outside their containerized environments. Among these, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, and NodePort stand out as fundamental building blocks for exposing applications. Let’s embark on a journey to demystify these concepts and understand why they’re critical for a robust Kubernetes strategy.

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Wednesday 3 April 2024

How to Deploy Microservices On Azure Kubernetes Cluster?

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Navigating the DevOps Life Cycle: Essential Tools for Success


In the dynamic world of software development and operations, the DevOps approach has revolutionized how organizations create, deploy, and manage applications. It bridges the gap between development (Dev) and operations (Ops), fostering a culture of collaboration, efficiency, and continuous improvement. Central to this methodology is the DevOps life cycle, a series of phases that guide the process from ideation to operation. To navigate these phases effectively, various tools have been developed, each tailored to specific needs of the DevOps pipeline. Let’s explore the essential tools for each phase of the DevOps life cycle.

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Monday 1 April 2024

Navigating DevOps Challenges: Real-Time Scenarios and Solutions


In the dynamic world of DevOps, professionals often encounter a range of challenges that can disrupt workflows, impact performance, and increase costs. Understanding these challenges and knowing how to resolve them is crucial for maintaining efficiency and reliability in software development and deployment processes. Here, we delve into 10 real-time DevOps scenarios, highlighting common issues and their practical resolutions.

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