Tuesday 30 April 2024

How to Detect Emojis in Strings with Java

In today’s digital communication, emojis are ubiquitous. They add emotion and context to text, making interactions more dynamic and expressive. For developers, handling strings that contain emojis can pose unique challenges, particularly when processing or analyzing text in Java. This blog post explores a robust method to detect emojis in strings using Java, ensuring your applications can handle modern text inputs effectively.

The Challenge of Detecting Emojis

Traditional libraries like the once-popular emoji-java library may no longer be maintained adequately to keep up with new emojis introduced in Unicode updates. As such, developers might find that methods which worked previously fail to recognize newer emojis. For example, a test with the string “This string contains beans 🫘” may erroneously return false, indicating no emoji present when there actually is.

Developing a Reliable Emoji Detection Utility in Java

To create a more reliable solution, we can utilize the comprehensive Unicode emoji data files which are regularly updated with new emojis. Below is a simplified version of how you can implement an emoji detection utility in Java that is scalable and up-to-date with the latest emoji standards.

Step 1: Define the Emoji Ranges

First, we need to define the Unicode ranges that correspond to emojis. This can be done by referencing the official Unicode emoji data files, which list all current emojis and their respective code points.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class EmojiRanges {
    public static final List<int[]> EMOJI_RANGES = new ArrayList<>();

    static {
        // Define emoji ranges using official Unicode data
        EMOJI_RANGES.add(new int[] {0x1F600, 0x1F64F}); // Emoticons
        EMOJI_RANGES.add(new int[] {0x1F300, 0x1F5FF}); // Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
        // Add more ranges as needed

Step 2: Implement the Emoji Detection Method

Using the defined ranges, we can now implement a method to check if a given string contains any emoji.

public class EmojiDetector {

    public static boolean containsEmoji(String input) {
        int[] codePoints = input.codePoints().toArray();
        for (int codePoint : codePoints) {
            if (isEmoji(codePoint)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private static boolean isEmoji(int codePoint) {
        for (int[] range : EmojiRanges.EMOJI_RANGES) {
            if (codePoint >= range[0] && codePoint <= range[1]) {
                return true;
        return false;

Step 3: Testing the Utility

To ensure our utility works as expected, we can write a simple test case.

public class EmojiDetectorTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String testString = "This string contains beans 🫘";
        boolean result = EmojiDetector.containsEmoji(testString);
        System.out.println("Contains emoji: " + result); // Should output: Contains emoji: true

This approach leverages direct Unicode specifications to accurately detect emojis in any string. By utilizing the official Unicode emoji data, your Java applications remain robust and adaptable to new emojis. This method ensures that your string processing logic can handle the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of modern digital communication effectively.



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