Monday 22 March 2021

Project Overview: Automated Web Application Testing Framework

This project involves the development of an automated testing framework for a web-based application. The framework will be built using Python, Pytest, and the Selenium library. The application will be tested for functional, regression, and integration testing.

Project Plan:

Understanding the Requirements:

The first step is to understand the requirements of the web-based application that needs to be tested. This includes the user interface, functionalities, and the scope of the testing. Based on this, the testing scenarios will be created.

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Tuesday 2 April 2024

Navigating the DevOps Life Cycle: Essential Tools for Success


In the dynamic world of software development and operations, the DevOps approach has revolutionized how organizations create, deploy, and manage applications. It bridges the gap between development (Dev) and operations (Ops), fostering a culture of collaboration, efficiency, and continuous improvement. Central to this methodology is the DevOps life cycle, a series of phases that guide the process from ideation to operation. To navigate these phases effectively, various tools have been developed, each tailored to specific needs of the DevOps pipeline. Let’s explore the essential tools for each phase of the DevOps life cycle.

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Monday 4 July 2022

perl vlsi tutorial

 Perl is a popular scripting language used in the VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) design industry. It is primarily used for automation tasks, such as pre- and post-processing of design data, verification, and testing. Here are some ways Perl is used in VLSI design:

Data processing and manipulation:

Perl is used to parse and manipulate large amounts of design data, such as netlists, timing files, and design rules. It can be used to automate the process of generating and modifying design files, and to extract relevant information from them. This is particularly useful for designers who need to analyze or modify large designs with hundreds of thousands or even millions of gates.

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Saturday 16 March 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to YAML Validation Tools for Enhanced DevOps Workflow


In the world of Kubernetes, ensuring that your configurations are correct and optimized can mean the difference between a smoothly running application and one plagued with issues. Kubernetes YAML files, in particular, are notorious for their complexity and potential for subtle mistakes that can lead to significant problems. Thankfully, there’s a plethora of tools designed to help developers validate, verify, and optimize their Kubernetes configurations. Let’s explore some of the top Kubernetes YAML validation tools and how they can enhance your development workflow.
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Wednesday 17 April 2024

How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery?

 jQuery, with its simplicity and power, has been a cornerstone of web development for years. Among its plethora of features, handling element visibility is a common requirement. In this blog post, we’ll dive into various methods of checking if an element is hidden, toggling its visibility, and testing its visibility status.

Checking if an Element is Hidden

The question of whether an element is hidden often arises in dynamic web applications. While the .is(":visible") and .is(":hidden") methods are commonly used, there are alternative approaches worth exploring.

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Monday 1 March 2021

Boost Your Python Code Performance: Tips for Optimizing with JIT Compilation and Profiling Tools

Python is a powerful language for scientific computing and data analysis, but it's also known for its slower execution speed compared to compiled languages like C++ and Java. However, there are ways to optimize Python code for better performance. In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks for optimizing Python code, including using JIT (just-in-time) compilation and profiling tools.

Use JIT Compilation

One way to improve the performance of your Python code is to use JIT compilation. JIT compilation is a technique that dynamically compiles code at runtime, rather than ahead of time. This allows the interpreter to optimize the code based on the actual data that is being processed, resulting in faster execution.

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Saturday 10 September 2022

Automated Testing of a Registration Form using Perl

 Perl Selenium to automate the testing of a registration form on a website. The goal is to ensure that the registration form works as intended and can successfully create new user accounts.

To get started, you will need to create a Perl script that opens the registration form in a browser, fills out the required fields with valid and invalid data, and submits the form. You can use the find_element and send_keys methods to locate and interact with form elements.

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Thursday 28 March 2024

A Comprehensive DevOps Toolkit


Embarking on a journey into the realm of DevOps can be both exciting and overwhelming, given the plethora of tools available to streamline and enhance the software development and deployment process. To demystify the landscape and pave the way for aspiring DevOps professionals, we’ve compiled an essential guide to the most widely used tools in the industry, complete with links to their official documentation for deeper exploration.

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