Wednesday 10 April 2024

Securely Managing AWS Credentials in Docker Containers

When working with AWS and Docker, a common challenge is securely managing AWS credentials within Docker containers. With the evolution of Docker and AWS services, there are now multiple strategies for handling AWS credentials more securely and efficiently, without resorting to less secure practices like hard-coding them into Docker images or passing them directly through environment variables.

Best Practices for AWS Credentials in Docker

1. Using IAM Roles for EC2 Instances

The most secure and recommended way to manage AWS credentials for containers running on EC2 instances is to use IAM Roles. When you assign an IAM role to an EC2 instance, AWS provides temporary credentials to the instance, and all modern AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI can automatically fetch and renew these credentials as needed. This method eliminates the need to manage credentials manually.

To assign an IAM role to an EC2 instance:

  • Navigate to the IAM Management Console.
  • Create a new role with the required permissions for your application.
  • Attach the role to the EC2 instance.

This setup ensures that your Docker containers have the necessary permissions to interact with AWS services without manually handling AWS credentials.

2. Docker Secrets for Swarm and Kubernetes

For applications orchestrated with Docker Swarm or Kubernetes, leveraging their secrets management feature is a more secure alternative for handling AWS credentials.

With Docker Swarm, you can store AWS credentials as secrets and securely inject them into your services at runtime. These secrets are stored in an encrypted format on disk and are only accessible by the services that have been granted explicit access to them.

Example using Docker Swarm:

version: '3.7'

    file: ./aws_credentials

    image: your_image
      - aws_creds

For Kubernetes, you can use Kubernetes Secrets to achieve similar functionality. The secrets can be mounted as data volumes or exposed as environment variables to the pods running your application.

3. Securely Passing Environment Variables

While passing AWS credentials as environment variables is generally not recommended due to their visibility in various logs and inspection commands, it can be done more securely by using temporary credentials and ensuring they are only accessible where absolutely necessary.

If you must use environment variables, consider using a tool like aws-vault to generate temporary credentials and inject them into your Docker containers securely.

Example command:

aws-vault exec my-profile -- docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN my_docker_image

This approach minimizes the risk by using short-lived credentials and limiting exposure.

4. Bind-mounting Credential Files

For local development or in scenarios where IAM roles cannot be used, you can securely bind-mount the AWS credentials file into the Docker container. This method allows the AWS CLI or SDKs inside the container to automatically use the credentials without hard-coding them into the image or passing them as environment variables.

Docker run example:

docker run -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws:ro your_image

This command mounts the .aws directory from the host to the container as a read-only volume, ensuring the credentials are accessible to the AWS SDK or CLI without being included in the Docker image.


Securing AWS credentials in Docker containers requires careful consideration of the deployment environment and the tools at your disposal. By using IAM roles for EC2, leveraging Docker secrets or Kubernetes Secrets for orchestrated environments, and securely passing environment variables or bind-mounting credentials for local development, you can ensure that your AWS credentials are managed safely and efficiently. Always prefer IAM roles and secrets management solutions over manual handling of credentials to maintain the security and integrity of your applications.



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