Saturday 10 September 2022

Automated Testing of a Registration Form using Perl

 Perl Selenium to automate the testing of a registration form on a website. The goal is to ensure that the registration form works as intended and can successfully create new user accounts.

To get started, you will need to create a Perl script that opens the registration form in a browser, fills out the required fields with valid and invalid data, and submits the form. You can use the find_element and send_keys methods to locate and interact with form elements.

Here's code to fill out the name and email fields:

use Selenium::Remote::Driver;

my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new(

    browser_name => 'firefox'


# Navigate to the registration form


# Fill out the name field

my $name_field = $driver->find_element('name_field_selector');

$name_field->send_keys('John Doe');

# Fill out the email field

my $email_field = $driver->find_element('email_field_selector');


Once you have filled out the form, you can use the click method to submit the form and verify that the registration process completes successfully.

Here's some example code to submit the form:

# Click the submit button
my $submit_button = $driver->find_element('submit_button_selector');

# Check that the registration was successful
my $success_message = $driver->find_element('success_message_selector')->get_text();
if ($success_message eq 'Registration successful') {
    print "Registration succeeded!\n";
} else {
    print "Registration failed!\n";

You can also use the screenshot method to capture screenshots of the registration form and any error messages that may appear during testing.



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