Thursday 10 October 2019

how many ways to create file using perl?

Method 1:


Method 2:

readpipe( "touch kkm.txt" );

Method 3:

system("touch kkm.txt");

Method 4:

open(my $file, '|-', "touch kkm.txt");

Method 5:

 `touch kkp.txt`;

Method 6:

qx/touch kkm.txt/;

Method 7:[always execute exec at eof]

exec("touch kkm.txt");

Method 8:

readpipe( "echo  > file1.txt" );

Method 9:

system("echo  > file2.txt");

Method 10:

`echo  > file3.txt`;

Method 11:

qx/echo  > file4.txt/;

Method 12:

open(my $file, '|-', "echo  > file5.txt");

Method 13:[always execute exec at eof]

exec("echo  > file6.txt");

Method 14:

readpipe( "cat '' > cat1111.txt" );

Method 15:

system("cat '' > cat1112.txt");

Method 16:

`cat '' > cat1113.txt`;

Method 17:

qx/cat '' > cat1114.txt/;

Method 18:

open(my $file, '|-', "cat '' > cat1115.txt");

Method 19:[always execute exec at eof]

exec("cat '' > cat1116.txt");

Method 20:

readpipe( "print  > cat1111.txt" );

Method 21:

system("print  > cat1112.txt");

Method 22:

`print  > cat1113.txt`;

Method 23:

qx/print > cat1114.txt/;

Method 24:

open(my $file, '|-', "print  > cat1115.txt");

Method 25:[always execute exec at eof]

exec("print  > cat1116.txt");

Method 26:[always execute exec at eof]

exec "vim   >  file.txt";

Kill process by using any one kill command

pkill vim;

Method 27:[always execute exec at eof]

exec "vi  >  file.txt";

Kill process by using any one kill command

pkill vi;

Method 28:[always execute exec at eof]

exec "nano  >  file.txt";

Kill process by using any one kill command

pkill nano;


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