Friday 9 October 2020

perl webservices mojolicious tutorial

Perl provides several libraries and frameworks for building web services. Here is a brief tutorial on how to build a web service using Perl:

1.Choose a Perl framework or library for web services. Some popular choices include:

  • Mojolicious
  • Dancer2
  • Catalyst
  • Plack
  • CGI

2.Define your web service's API. This involves deciding on the endpoints that your service will expose, as well as the request and response formats. For example, you might define an endpoint for retrieving a list of users, with a JSON response format.

3.Implement the API endpoints using your chosen framework or library. Here is an example using the Mojolicious framework:

use Mojolicious::Lite;

get '/users' => sub {

    my $self = shift;

    my @users = ('Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie');

    $self->render(json => \@users);



This code defines a GET endpoint for /users, which returns a JSON array of user names.

4.Test your web service using a tool like curl or Postman. Send requests to your API endpoints and verify that the responses match your expectations.

5.Optionally, deploy your web service to a production environment. This may involve configuring a web server like Apache or Nginx to proxy requests to your Perl application.

Note that this is just a brief overview of the process. Building a robust and secure web service involves many additional considerations, such as authentication, input validation, error handling, and performance optimization. It's important to thoroughly test and secure your web service before deploying it to production.

6.Add support for POST requests to create new resources. For example, you might define an endpoint for creating a new user:

post '/users' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = $self->req->json->{name};

    # Create the new user in the database or some other storage medium
    my $new_user_id = create_user($name);

    # Return the new user's ID in the response
    $self->render(json => { id => $new_user_id });

This code defines a POST endpoint for /users, which expects a JSON object in the request body containing the new user's name. The server then creates a new user with the provided name and returns the new user's ID in the response body.

7.Add support for PUT requests to update existing resources. For example, you might define an endpoint for updating a user's name:

put '/users/:id' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = $self->stash('id');
    my $name = $self->req->json->{name};

    # Update the user's name in the database or some other storage medium
    update_user($id, $name);

    # Return a success status code in the response

This code defines a PUT endpoint for /users/:id, where :id is a route parameter that identifies the user to update. The server expects a JSON object in the request body containing the new name for the user. The server then updates the user's name in the database and returns a 204 No Content status code to indicate success.

8.Add support for DELETE requests to delete existing resources. For example, you might define an endpoint for deleting a user:

del '/users/:id' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = $self->stash('id');

    # Delete the user from the database or some other storage medium

    # Return a success status code in the response

This code defines a DELETE endpoint for /users/:id, where :id is a route parameter that identifies the user to delete. The server deletes the user from the database and returns a 204 No Content status code to indicate success.

9.Add error handling to your web service. For example, you might define a custom exception handler to catch errors and return appropriate error responses:

    before_render => sub {
        my ($self, $args) = @_;
        my $error = delete $args->{error};
        if ($error) {
                json => { error => $error },
                status => $error->status_code

    is_valid_id => sub {
        my ($route, $value, $captures, $placeholders) = @_;
        unless ($value =~ /^\d+$/) {
            my $error = API::Error->new(
                status_code => 400,
                message => 'Invalid ID format'
        return 1;

get '/users/:id' => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = $self->stash('id');
    my $user = get_user($id);

   # If the user doesn't exist, throw a 404 error
   unless ($user) {
       my $error = API::Error->new(
           status_code => 404,
           message => 'User not found'

   # Return the user's details in the response
   $self->render(json => $user);

This code defines a custom exception handler that catches API::Error exceptions and returns an appropriate JSON error response with the specified status code and message. It also defines a custom route condition is_valid_id that ensures the id route parameter is a valid integer. If the parameter is not a valid integer, the condition throws a 400 Bad Request error using the custom exception handler.

10.Add authentication and authorization to your web service. For example, you might define a middleware to check for an authentication token in the request headers and restrict access to certain endpoints based on the user's role:

    before_dispatch => sub {
        my $c = shift;
        my $token = $c->req->headers->header('Authorization');
        my $user = validate_token($token);
        $c->stash(user => $user);

get '/users' => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    # Check if the user has permission to access this endpoint
    my $user = $self->stash('user');
    unless ($user->can('list_users')) {
        my $error = API::Error->new(
            status_code => 403,
            message => 'Forbidden'

    # Retrieve the list of users from the database or some other storage medium
    my @users = get_all_users();

    # Return the list of users in the response
    $self->render(json => \@users);

This code defines a before_dispatch hook that checks for an authentication token in the Authorization header of the request, validates the token, and stores the authenticated user object in the stash. It also defines an endpoint for /users that checks whether the authenticated user has permission to access the endpoint based on their role. If the user does not have permission, the endpoint throws a 403 Forbidden error using the custom exception handler.

These are just a few examples of the additional steps you can take to build a robust and secure web service in Perl. Keep in mind that building a production-ready web service involves many other considerations, such as input validation, error logging, performance tuning, and scalability

11.Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse of your web service. For example, you might use a middleware to count the number of requests made by an IP address within a certain time frame and block requests from that IP address if it exceeds a certain threshold:

    before_dispatch => sub {
        my $c = shift;
        my $ip = $c->tx->remote_address;
        my $key = "rate_limit:$ip";
        my $count = $redis->incr($key);
        $redis->expire($key, 60); # expire the key after 60 seconds
        if ($count > 100) { # allow up to 100 requests per minute
            my $error = API::Error->new(
                status_code => 429,
                message => 'Too Many Requests'

This code defines a before_dispatch hook that uses Redis to count the number of requests made by the client's IP address and throws a 429 Too Many Requests error if the request limit is exceeded. The code assumes that Redis is running on the default port and that the Redis Perl client is installed.

12.Consider using a framework or library to simplify the development of your web service. Some popular options in the Perl community include Dancer, Mojolicious, and Catalyst. These frameworks provide a wide range of features and tools for building web services, including routing, middleware, input validation, error handling, and more.

Here is an example using the Mojolicious framework to define a simple web service:

use Mojolicious::Lite;

get '/hello/:name' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    my $name = $c->param('name');
    $c->render(json => { message => "Hello, $name!" });


This code defines a route for /hello/:name that returns a JSON response with a personalized greeting based on the name route parameter. The Mojolicious framework handles the routing, request parsing, and response rendering for you, making it much simpler to build and maintain a web service.

In summary, building a web service in Perl involves defining routes, handling requests, and returning responses in a consistent and secure manner. By following best practices and using a framework or library, you can simplify the development process and build a robust and scalable web service that meets your requirements.

13.Use an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library to interact with your database. ORM libraries like DBIx::Class or Rose::DB::Object allow you to define Perl classes that map to database tables and provide an easy-to-use interface for querying and manipulating data.

Here is an example using DBIx::Class to define a User class that maps to a users table in a MySQL database:

package MyApp::Schema::Result::User;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;

    id => {
        data_type => 'integer',
        is_auto_increment => 1,
    username => {
        data_type => 'varchar',
        size => 255,
    password => {
        data_type => 'varchar',
        size => 255,
    email => {
        data_type => 'varchar',
        size => 255,



This code defines a User class that inherits from DBIx::Class::Core and maps to a users table with columns for id, username, password, and email. The class specifies the primary key and a unique constraint on the username column.

Here is an example of using the User class to retrieve a user from the database:

my $user = $schema->resultset('User')->search({ username => 'jdoe' })->first;

This code uses the search method of the User resultset to retrieve the first user with a username of jdoe. The resultset method returns a DBIx::Class::ResultSet object that provides methods for querying the database.

14.Use a testing framework to ensure that your web service works correctly and reliably. Testing frameworks like Test::More or Test::WWW::Mechanize allow you to define test cases that simulate requests to your web service and verify that the responses are correct.

Here is an example using Test::WWW::Mechanize to test the /hello/:name route defined earlier:

use Test::More;
use Test::WWW::Mechanize;

my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new;

# Test a successful request
is($mech->status, 200, 'Response status is 200 OK');
is($mech->content_type, 'application/json', 'Response content type is JSON');
like($mech->content, qr/"message":\s*"Hello, world!"/, 'Response contains expected message');

# Test a failed request
is($mech->status, 400, 'Response status is 400 Bad Request');
is($mech->content_type, 'application/json', 'Response content type is JSON');
like($mech->content, qr/"error":\s*"Invalid name"/, 'Response contains expected error message');


This code creates a Test::WWW::Mechanize object and tests two scenarios: a successful request to /hello/world and a failed request to /hello/123. The test cases verify the response status, content type, and content using the is and like functions provided by Test::More

15.Deploy your web service to a production environment. There are many ways to deploy a Perl web service, but some common approaches include:

  • Running the web service as a standalone process using a process manager like systemd or supervisord
  • Running the web service behind a web server like Apache or Nginx using a module like Plack or PSGI
  • Running the web service in a containerized environment like Docker or Kubernetes

When deploying your web service, it is important to configure it securely and to monitor it for errors and performance issues. You may also want to consider load balancing and horizontal scaling to handle high traffic volumes.

Here is an example of running a PSGI application behind Apache using the Plack::Handler::Apache2 module:

1.Install the necessary modules:

$ cpanm Plack Plack::Handler::Apache2

2.Create a myapp.psgi file that defines your PSGI application:

use MyApp::App;
use Plack::Builder;

my $app = MyApp::App->new;

builder {
    enable 'Plack::Middleware::JSONP';
    enable 'Plack::Middleware::CORS';

This code creates a PSGI application that uses the MyApp::App class defined earlier, and adds two middleware components using the Plack::Builder syntax.

3.Configure Apache to run the PSGI application using Plack::Handler::Apache2. In your Apache configuration file, add the following:

<Location /myapp>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
    PerlSetVar psgi_app /path/to/myapp.psgi

 This code configures Apache to run the PSGI application at the /myapp URL path, using the Plack::Handler::Apache2 module to handle requests and specifying the path to the myapp.psgi file.

4.Restart Apache to apply the changes.

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

Your PSGI application should now be running behind Apache and accessible at the /myapp URL path.

In final, Perl is a powerful and flexible language for building web services, with a rich ecosystem of modules and tools available to simplify development, testing, and deployment. By following best practices and using the right tools, you can build secure, reliable, and scalable web services with Perl.

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