Sunday, 31 January 2021

Master Network Automation with Python for Network Engineers using SSH, Paramiko, Netmiko, Telnet or Serial Connections

Network automation is the process of automating network configuration and management tasks using software tools and scripts. Automation can help network administrators reduce manual errors, improve network performance, and increase efficiency.

To automate network tasks, you need to be familiar with various networking protocols and programming languages. In this response, I will focus on the SSH, Paramiko, Netmiko, Telnet, and serial connections.


SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that provides secure access to remote devices. It is widely used in network automation to connect to network devices and execute commands remotely. Here's an example of how to use SSH with Python:

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Friday, 15 January 2021

Accelerate the Software Development Lifecycle with Jenkins

1.Setup the Github Repository 

To begin with, you will need to create an account on Github. (You can skip the registration part if you already have an account). Please ensure that you push the application's source code to a branch called "master". Once the code is in master, you can create another branch (from master) for your tests called "develop".

1. To create the Github account, head to the sign up page and fill out the form to sign up for a new account. (Only applicable if you don't have an account already. If you have one, please use it).

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Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Python Memory Management: Avoiding Common Pitfalls and Memory Issues and memory leaks and excessive garbage collection

Memory management is an important aspect of programming in any language, and Python is no exception. In Python, memory is managed automatically through a process called garbage collection. While this can be convenient for developers, it can also lead to issues like memory leaks and excessive garbage collection. In this article, we will explore Python's memory management model and provide tips for avoiding common pitfalls.

Python Memory Model

In Python, objects are created dynamically and stored in memory. Each object has a reference count, which keeps track of how many references to the object exist. When an object's reference count reaches zero, it is no longer accessible and can be garbage collected.

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Friday, 1 January 2021

Josephus Problem Using Bit Magic - Python Datastructures Algorithm

Hi,Today program implements the Josephus Problem using Bit Magic in Python. The Josephus Problem is a famous mathematical problem that involves selecting a person from a group of 'n' people arranged in a circle and executing them in a certain order. The program uses bitwise operations to find the survivor in the circle. The user is prompted to enter the number of people and the program calculates and prints the survivor's position. The program utilizes the bitwise left shift and bitwise or operations to perform the calculation efficiently.

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