Monday 18 March 2024

Essential Kubectl Commands for Every DevOps Engineer

 As the complexity of software development grows, so does the need for efficient and reliable deployment solutions. Kubernetes, an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers, has become the go-to solution for managing containerized applications. However, navigating through Kubernetes’ vast functionalities can be daunting for many, especially for DevOps engineers tasked with maintaining the health and performance of applications. This is where kubectl, Kubernetes’ command-line tool, becomes invaluable.

kubectl allows DevOps engineers to interact with Kubernetes clusters, offering a range of commands to manage different aspects of the cluster. Understanding and mastering these commands is crucial for efficiently managing Kubernetes resources. Below are some of the basic yet essential kubectl commands that every DevOps engineer should know.


  • Create a Pod: kubectl create -f pod.yaml
  • Get Pods: kubectl get pods
  • Describe Pod: kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
  • Logs: kubectl logs <pod_name>
  • Exec into Pod: kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- <command>
  • Delete Pod: kubectl delete pod <pod_name>

Pods are the smallest deployable units in Kubernetes and can contain one or more containers. Managing pods effectively is key to maintaining the desired state of applications.


  • Create a Deployment: kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
  • Get Deployments: kubectl get deployments
  • Describe Deployment: kubectl describe deployment <deployment_name>
  • Scale Deployment: kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/<deployment_name>
  • Rollout Status: kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment_name>
  • Rollout History: kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment_name>

Deployments provide declarative updates to applications, allowing for easy scaling and rollback of applications. They are crucial for managing the lifecycle of applications deployed on Kubernetes.


  • Create a Service: kubectl create -f service.yaml
  • Get Services: kubectl get services
  • Describe Service: kubectl describe service <service_name>
  • Delete Service: kubectl delete service <service_name>

Services define a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them, serving as the primary method through which external applications can access the services running within the cluster.

ConfigMaps and Secrets

  • Create a ConfigMap: kubectl create configmap <configmap_name> --from-file=<file_path>

  • Get ConfigMaps: kubectl get configmaps

  • Describe ConfigMap: kubectl describe configmap <configmap_name>

  • Delete ConfigMap: kubectl delete configmap <configmap_name>

  • Create a Secret: kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal=<key>=<value>

  • Get Secrets: kubectl get secrets

  • Describe Secret: kubectl describe secret <secret_name>

  • Delete Secret: kubectl delete secret <secret_name>

ConfigMaps and Secrets allow for the storage of configuration settings and sensitive information, respectively. They can be mounted as data volumes or exposed as environment variables to be used by the applications within the cluster.

Nodes and Namespaces

  • Get Nodes: kubectl get nodes

  • Describe Node: kubectl describe node <node_name>

  • Get Namespaces: kubectl get namespaces

  • Describe Namespace: kubectl describe namespace <namespace_name>

Nodes are the physical or virtual machines where Kubernetes runs the containers. Namespaces are used to organize objects in the cluster and provide a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users.

PersistentVolumes (PV) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC)

  • Get PVs/PVCs: kubectl get pv / kubectl get pvc
  • Describe PV/PVC: kubectl describe pv <pv_name> / kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name>
  • Delete PV/PVC: kubectl delete pv <pv_name> / kubectl delete pvc <pvc_name>

PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims are components related to storage in Kubernetes, allowing for the management of storage resources and the way they are consumed by applications.

Understanding and utilizing these kubectl commands empowers DevOps engineers to effectively manage and troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters. Whether you’re deploying new applications, scaling existing services, or ensuring the security of your cluster, these commands form the foundation of your Kubernetes operations.



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