Sunday 28 July 2024

Automatically Creating a requirements.txt File in Python

When working on Python projects, managing dependencies can sometimes be a challenge, especially if you download code from platforms like GitHub that don’t come with a requirements.txt file. Fortunately, there are several tools and methods to automate the creation of a requirements.txt file, which lists all the libraries and their versions needed to run your project. This guide will provide you with multiple approaches using both pip and pip3, and will cover different scenarios to suit your specific needs.

Why Create a requirements.txt File?

The requirements.txt file is crucial for any Python project as it allows other developers (or yourself) to easily install all necessary libraries. This file can be used with the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This command will install all the libraries listed in the requirements.txt file along with their specified versions.

Method 1: Using pip freeze

The simplest way to create a requirements.txt file is to use the pip freeze command. However, this command captures all the libraries in your environment, not just the ones used in your project.

Command for Python 3

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

Command for Python 2

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Example Output

When you run the above commands, you’ll see an output similar to this in your requirements.txt file:


Note: This method may result in a long requirements.txt file that includes many packages that aren’t directly used in your project.

Method 2: Using pipreqs

If you want a cleaner requirements.txt file that only includes the libraries your project actually uses, consider using pipreqs. This tool scans your project files and generates a requirements.txt based on the imports it finds.


First, install pipreqs using pip:

pip install pipreqs  # For Python 2
pip3 install pipreqs  # For Python 3

Command to Generate requirements.txt

Navigate to your project directory and run:

pipreqs .  # Generates requirements.txt in the current directory

Example Usage

If your project uses numpy and pandas, the output in requirements.txt might look like this:


Options for pipreqs:

  • To force overwrite an existing requirements.txt file:

    pipreqs . --force
  • To ignore specific directories (e.g., tests):

    pipreqs . --ignore tests

Method 3: Using pip-tools

For projects with multiple dependencies that also have sub-dependencies, pip-tools can be very helpful. This tool allows you to create a file with the top-level dependencies, and then generates a complete requirements.txt including all sub-dependencies.


pip install pip-tools  # For Python 2
pip3 install pip-tools  # For Python 3

Usage Steps

  1. Create a file with the libraries you need:

    echo "numpy" >>
    echo "pandas" >>
  2. Compile the requirements.txt file:


Example Output

Your requirements.txt will include all top-level dependencies and their respective sub-dependencies, looking something like this:


Method 4: Using conda

If you are using Anaconda, you can create a requirements.txt from your conda environment using:

Command for requirements.txt

conda list -e > requirements.txt

Command for YAML file

Alternatively, you can export the environment to a YAML file:

conda env export > environment.yml

This file can be used to recreate the environment elsewhere with:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Method 5: Automatic Updates with to-requirements.txt

If you prefer to automatically update your requirements.txt file every time you install or uninstall a package, consider using the to-requirements.txt package.


pip install to-requirements.txt  # For Python 2
pip3 install to-requirements.txt  # For Python 3


After installation, run the following command to initialize it:

requirements-txt init

This will ensure that your requirements.txt file is updated automatically with each installation or uninstallation of packages.

Creating a requirements.txt file can be a simple or complex task depending on your needs. For quick projects, pip freeze might suffice, but for larger applications with multiple dependencies, tools like pipreqs, pip-tools, and to-requirements.txt provide more refined control. Using these tools can help streamline your development process, making it easier to manage dependencies and share your projects with others.



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