Monday, 27 January 2025

Perl Built-ins Quick Reference

1. String Functions


Returns the length of a string.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
my $len = length($str);
print "Length: $len\n";  # Output: Length: 13


Extracts a substring from a string.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
my $sub = substr($str, 0, 5);
print "Substring: $sub\n";  # Output: Substring: Hello


Returns the position of a substring within a string.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
my $pos = index($str, "World");
print "Position: $pos\n";  # Output: Position: 7


Returns the last position of a substring within a string.

my $str = "Hello, World! World!";
my $pos = rindex($str, "World");
print "Last Position: $pos\n";  # Output: Last Position: 14


Converts a string to uppercase.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
my $uc_str = uc($str);
print "Uppercase: $uc_str\n";  # Output: Uppercase: HELLO, WORLD!


Converts a string to lowercase.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
my $lc_str = lc($str);
print "Lowercase: $lc_str\n";  # Output: Lowercase: hello, world!


Converts the first character of a string to uppercase.

my $str = "hello, world!";
my $ucfirst_str = ucfirst($str);
print "Ucfirst: $ucfirst_str\n";  # Output: Ucfirst: Hello, world!


Converts the first character of a string to lowercase.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
my $lcfirst_str = lcfirst($str);
print "Lcfirst: $lcfirst_str\n";  # Output: Lcfirst: hello, World!


Removes the trailing newline from a string.

my $str = "Hello, World!\n";
print "Chomped: $str\n";  # Output: Chomped: Hello, World!


Removes the last character from a string.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
print "Chopped: $str\n";  # Output: Chopped: Hello, World

2. Array Functions


Adds one or more elements to the end of an array.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);
push @array, 4, 5;
print "Array: @array\n";  # Output: Array: 1 2 3 4 5


Removes and returns the last element of an array.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);
my $last_element = pop @array;
print "Last Element: $last_element\n";  # Output: Last Element: 3


Removes and returns the first element of an array.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);
my $first_element = shift @array;
print "First Element: $first_element\n";  # Output: First Element: 1


Adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array.

my @array = (2, 3);
unshift @array, 0, 1;
print "Array: @array\n";  # Output: Array: 0 1 2 3


Adds or removes elements from an array.

my @array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
splice @array, 2, 2, (6, 7);
print "Array: @array\n";  # Output: Array: 1 2 6 7 5


Sorts an array.

my @array = (3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9);
my @sorted_array = sort @array;
print "Sorted Array: @sorted_array\n";  # Output: Sorted Array: 1 1 3 4 5 9


Reverses an array or string.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);
my @reversed_array = reverse @array;
print "Reversed Array: @reversed_array\n";  # Output: Reversed Array: 3 2 1


Joins elements of an array into a string.

my @array = ("Hello", "World");
my $str = join(" ", @array);
print "Joined String: $str\n";  # Output: Joined String: Hello World


Splits a string into an array.

my $str = "Hello World";
my @array = split(" ", $str);
print "Array: @array\n";  # Output: Array: Hello World

3. Hash Functions


Returns the keys of a hash.

my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
my @keys = keys %hash;
print "Keys: @keys\n";  # Output: Keys: a b c


Returns the values of a hash.

my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
my @values = values %hash;
print "Values: @values\n";  # Output: Values: 1 2 3


Iterates over key-value pairs in a hash.

my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
while (my ($key, $value) = each %hash) {
    print "$key => $value\n";
# Output:
# a => 1
# b => 2
# c => 3


Checks if a key exists in a hash.

my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
if (exists $hash{a}) {
    print "Key 'a' exists\n";  # Output: Key 'a' exists


Deletes a key-value pair from a hash.

my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
delete $hash{b};
print "Hash after deletion: ", %hash, "\n";  # Output: Hash after deletion: a1c3

4. File Handling Functions


Opens a file.

open(my $fh, '<', 'file.txt') or die "Could not open file: $!";


Closes a file.



Reads from a file.

my $buffer;
read($fh, $buffer, 1024);


Writes to a file.

print $fh "Hello, World!\n";


Moves the file pointer.

seek($fh, 0, 0);  # Move to the beginning of the file


Returns the current position of the file pointer.

my $pos = tell($fh);
print "Current Position: $pos\n";


Checks if the end of the file has been reached.

if (eof($fh)) {
    print "End of file reached\n";

5. Regular Expression Functions


Matches a regular expression.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
if ($str =~ m/World/) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found


Substitutes a regular expression.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
$str =~ s/World/Perl/;
print "Substituted String: $str\n";  # Output: Substituted String: Hello, Perl!


Translates characters.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
$str =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
print "Translated String: $str\n";  # Output: Translated String: HELLO, WORLD!

6. Mathematical Functions


Returns the absolute value.

my $num = -42;
my $abs_num = abs($num);
print "Absolute Value: $abs_num\n";  # Output: Absolute Value: 42


Returns the square root.

my $num = 16;
my $sqrt_num = sqrt($num);
print "Square Root: $sqrt_num\n";  # Output: Square Root: 4


Returns the integer part of a number.

my $num = 3.14;
my $int_num = int($num);
print "Integer Part: $int_num\n";  # Output: Integer Part: 3


Returns a random number.

my $rand_num = rand(10);
print "Random Number: $rand_num\n";  # Output: Random Number: [0, 10)


Seeds the random number generator.

my $rand_num = rand(10);
print "Seeded Random Number: $rand_num\n";

7. Time Functions


Returns the current time in seconds since the epoch.

my $current_time = time;
print "Current Time: $current_time\n";


Converts a time to local time.

my @local_time = localtime(time);
print "Local Time: @local_time\n";


Converts a time to GMT.

my @gm_time = gmtime(time);
print "GMT: @gm_time\n";


Pauses the script for a specified number of seconds.

print "Slept for 5 seconds\n";

8. Miscellaneous Functions


Checks if a variable is defined.

my $var;
if (defined $var) {
    print "Variable is defined\n";
} else {
    print "Variable is not defined\n";  # Output: Variable is not defined


Undefines a variable.

my $var = 42;
undef $var;
if (defined $var) {
    print "Variable is defined\n";
} else {
    print "Variable is not defined\n";  # Output: Variable is not defined


Returns the reference type of a variable.

my $array_ref = [1, 2, 3];
my $ref_type = ref($array_ref);
print "Reference Type: $ref_type\n";  # Output: Reference Type: ARRAY


Evaluates a string as Perl code.

my $code = 'print "Hello, World!\n"';
eval $code;  # Output: Hello, World!


Exits the script with an error message.

die "Fatal error occurred\n";


Prints a warning message.

warn "This is a warning\n";


Exits the script.


9. List and Scalar Functions


Filters elements of a list based on a condition.

my @numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
my @even_numbers = grep { $_ % 2 == 0 } @numbers;
print "Even Numbers: @even_numbers\n";  # Output: Even Numbers: 2 4


Transforms elements of a list.

my @numbers = (1, 2, 3);
my @squared_numbers = map { $_ * $_ } @numbers;
print "Squared Numbers: @squared_numbers\n";  # Output: Squared Numbers: 1 4 9


Returns the number of elements in an array in scalar context.

my @array = (1, 2, 3);
my $count = scalar @array;
print "Array Count: $count\n";  # Output: Array Count: 3

reverse (in scalar context)

Reverses a string.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
my $reversed_str = scalar reverse $str;
print "Reversed String: $reversed_str\n";  # Output: Reversed String: !dlroW ,olleH

10. Input/Output Functions


Prints output to standard output.

print "Hello, World!\n";  # Output: Hello, World!


Formats and prints output.

my $name = "Alice";
my $age = 30;
printf "Name: %s, Age: %d\n", $name, $age;  # Output: Name: Alice, Age: 30


Prints output with a newline (requires use feature 'say';).

use feature 'say';
say "Hello, World!";  # Output: Hello, World! (with newline)


Reads a line from a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '<', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
my $line = readline($fh);
print "First Line: $line\n";


Reads a single character from a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '<', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
my $char = getc($fh);
print "First Character: $char\n";

11. File Test Operators


Checks if a file exists.

if (-e 'file.txt') {
    print "File exists\n";
} else {
    print "File does not exist\n";


Checks if a file is a plain file.

if (-f 'file.txt') {
    print "It's a plain file\n";


Checks if a file is a directory.

if (-d 'directory') {
    print "It's a directory\n";


Checks if a file is readable.

if (-r 'file.txt') {
    print "File is readable\n";


Checks if a file is writable.

if (-w 'file.txt') {
    print "File is writable\n";


Checks if a file is executable.

if (-x '') {
    print "File is executable\n";


Returns the size of a file in bytes.

my $size = -s 'file.txt';
print "File Size: $size bytes\n";

12. System Interaction Functions


Executes a system command.

system("ls -l");  # Lists files in the current directory


Replaces the current process with another program.

exec("ls -l");  # Replaces the Perl script with the `ls` command

backticks (``)

Captures the output of a system command.

my $output = `ls -l`;
print "Command Output:\n$output\n";


Creates a child process.

my $pid = fork;
if ($pid == 0) {
    print "Child Process\n";
} else {
    print "Parent Process\n";


Waits for a child process to finish.

my $pid = fork;
if ($pid == 0) {
    print "Child Process\n";
} else {
    print "Parent Process: Child finished\n";

13. Error Handling Functions


Prints a warning message to STDERR.

warn "This is a warning message\n";


Exits the program with an error message.

die "Fatal error occurred\n";


Evaluates a block of code and catches errors.

eval {
    die "An error occurred\n";
if ($@) {
    print "Error caught: $@\n";

14. Reference and Data Structure Functions


Returns the type of a reference.

my $array_ref = [1, 2, 3];
print "Reference Type: ", ref($array_ref), "\n";  # Output: Reference Type: ARRAY


Associates an object with a class.

package MyClass;
sub new {
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, 'MyClass';
    return $self;
my $obj = MyClass->new();
print "Object is blessed into: ", ref($obj), "\n";  # Output: Object is blessed into: MyClass


Checks if a variable is defined.

my $var;
if (defined $var) {
    print "Variable is defined\n";
} else {
    print "Variable is not defined\n";  # Output: Variable is not defined

15. Miscellaneous Functions


Returns information about the caller of a subroutine.

sub foo {
    my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
    print "Called from package: $package, file: $filename, line: $line\n";


Loads a Perl module or file.

require '';


Loads a Perl module at compile time.

use strict;
use warnings;


Declares a package namespace.

package MyPackage;
sub hello {
    print "Hello from MyPackage\n";
MyPackage::hello();  # Output: Hello from MyPackage


Binds a variable to a class implementing TIEHASH, TIEARRAY, etc.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';

16. Special Variables and Functions


Default variable for many functions.

foreach (1..5) {
    print "$_\n";  # Output: 1 2 3 4 5


Subroutine argument list.

sub greet {
    my ($name) = @_;
    print "Hello, $name!\n";
greet("Alice");  # Output: Hello, Alice!


Error message from the last system call.

open(my $fh, '<', 'nonexistent.txt') or die "Error: $!\n";


Error message from the last eval block.

eval { die "An error occurred\n" };
print "Error: $@" if $@;

17. Advanced String Functions


Escapes all non-alphanumeric characters in a string.

my $str = "Hello, World! (123)";
my $escaped_str = quotemeta($str);
print "Escaped String: $escaped_str\n";  # Output: Escaped String: Hello\,\ World\!\ \(123\)


Converts a list of values into a binary string.

my $binary_str = pack("C*", 65, 66, 67);
print "Binary String: $binary_str\n";  # Output: Binary String: ABC


Converts a binary string into a list of values.

my @values = unpack("C*", "ABC");
print "Values: @values\n";  # Output: Values: 65 66 67


Returns the character corresponding to an ASCII value.

my $char = chr(65);
print "Character: $char\n";  # Output: Character: A


Returns the ASCII value of a character.

my $ascii = ord('A');
print "ASCII Value: $ascii\n";  # Output: ASCII Value: 65

18. Advanced Array Functions

splice (Advanced Usage)

Replaces elements in an array.

my @array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
splice @array, 1, 2, (6, 7, 8);
print "Array: @array\n";  # Output: Array: 1 6 7 8 4 5

grep (Advanced Usage)

Filters elements based on a complex condition.

my @numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
my @filtered = grep { $_ > 2 && $_ < 5 } @numbers;
print "Filtered Numbers: @filtered\n";  # Output: Filtered Numbers: 3 4

map (Advanced Usage)

Transforms elements based on a complex condition.

my @numbers = (1, 2, 3);
my @transformed = map { $_ * 2 } @numbers;
print "Transformed Numbers: @transformed\n";  # Output: Transformed Numbers: 2 4 6

19. Advanced Hash Functions

each (Advanced Usage)

Iterates over key-value pairs in a hash.

my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
while (my ($key, $value) = each %hash) {
    print "$key => $value\n";
# Output:
# a => 1
# b => 2
# c => 3

keys (Advanced Usage)

Sorts keys of a hash.

my %hash = (b => 2, a => 1, c => 3);
my @sorted_keys = sort keys %hash;
print "Sorted Keys: @sorted_keys\n";  # Output: Sorted Keys: a b c

values (Advanced Usage)

Sorts values of a hash.

my %hash = (a => 3, b => 1, c => 2);
my @sorted_values = sort values %hash;
print "Sorted Values: @sorted_values\n";  # Output: Sorted Values: 1 2 3

20. Advanced File Handling Functions


Returns file statistics.

my @stats = stat('file.txt');
print "File Size: $stats[7] bytes\n";


Returns file statistics for symbolic links.

my @stats = lstat('symlink.txt');
print "File Size: $stats[7] bytes\n";


Renames a file.

rename('old.txt', 'new.txt') or die "Cannot rename file: $!";


Deletes a file.

unlink('file.txt') or die "Cannot delete file: $!";


Creates a hard link.

link('file.txt', 'hardlink.txt') or die "Cannot create hard link: $!";


Creates a symbolic link.

symlink('file.txt', 'symlink.txt') or die "Cannot create symlink: $!";


Creates a directory.

mkdir('new_directory') or die "Cannot create directory: $!";


Removes a directory.

rmdir('empty_directory') or die "Cannot remove directory: $!";

21. Advanced System Interaction Functions


Sets a timer to deliver a signal.

print "Alarm set for 5 seconds\n";


Sends a signal to a process.

kill('TERM', $pid);


Returns the process group ID.

my $pgrp = getpgrp();
print "Process Group ID: $pgrp\n";


Sets the process group ID.

setpgrp(0, 0);


Returns the parent process ID.

my $ppid = getppid();
print "Parent Process ID: $ppid\n";


Returns the current priority of a process.

my $priority = getpriority(0, 0);
print "Process Priority: $priority\n";


Sets the priority of a process.

setpriority(0, 0, 10);

22. Advanced Error Handling Functions


Exits with an error message (from Carp module).

use Carp;
croak "Fatal error occurred\n";


Exits with a stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
confess "Fatal error occurred\n";

23. Advanced Regular Expression Functions


Compiles a regular expression.

my $regex = qr/foo/;
if ("foo" =~ $regex) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found


Returns or sets the position of the last match.

my $str = "foo bar foo";
$str =~ /foo/g;
print "Position: ", pos($str), "\n";  # Output: Position: 3


Optimizes a string for repeated pattern matching.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
if ($str =~ /World/) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

24. Advanced Mathematical Functions


Returns the arctangent of Y/X in radians.

my $angle = atan2(1, 1);
print "Angle: $angle radians\n";  # Output: Angle: 0.785398163397448 radians


Returns the exponential of a number.

my $exp = exp(1);
print "Exponential: $exp\n";  # Output: Exponential: 2.71828182845905


Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

my $log = log(10);
print "Natural Logarithm: $log\n";  # Output: Natural Logarithm: 2.30258509299405


Returns the sine of a number.

my $sin = sin(1);
print "Sine: $sin\n";  # Output: Sine: 0.841470984807897


Returns the cosine of a number.

my $cos = cos(1);
print "Cosine: $cos\n";  # Output: Cosine: 0.54030230586814

rand (Advanced Usage)

Generates a random number within a range.

my $rand_num = int(rand(100));
print "Random Number: $rand_num\n";  # Output: Random Number: [0, 99]

25. Advanced Miscellaneous Functions


Returns the object underlying a tied variable.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';
my $obj = tied %hash;
print "Tied Object: $obj\n";


Breaks the binding between a variable and a package.

untie %hash;


Formats a string (used with format).

formline("Hello, @<<<<", "World");
print $^A;  # Output: Hello, World


Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers.

my $str = "ABC";
vec($str, 0, 8) = 88;
print "Modified String: $str\n";  # Output: Modified String: XBC

26. Advanced Input/Output Functions


Changes the default filehandle for output.

open(my $fh, '>', 'output.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
select $fh;
print "This goes to output.txt\n";
select STDOUT;  # Switch back to STDOUT
print "This goes to the screen\n";


Reads a fixed number of bytes from a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '<', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
my $buffer;
sysread($fh, $buffer, 1024);
print "Read Data: $buffer\n";


Writes a fixed number of bytes to a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '>', 'output.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
syswrite($fh, "Hello, World!", 13);


Performs low-level file control operations.

use Fcntl;
fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);


Performs device-specific input/output operations.

use IO::Handle;
ioctl($fh, 0x1234, $arg);

27. Advanced System Interaction Functions


Creates a pair of filehandles for interprocess communication.

pipe(my $reader, my $writer);
print $writer "Hello, World!\n";
my $message = <$reader>;
print "Message: $message\n";  # Output: Message: Hello, World!


Creates a socket for network communication.

use Socket;
socket(my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));


Binds a socket to an address.

my $port = 12345;
my $addr = sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY);
bind($sock, $addr) or die "Cannot bind socket: $!";


Listens for incoming connections on a socket.

listen($sock, 5) or die "Cannot listen on socket: $!";


Accepts an incoming connection on a socket.

my $client_addr = accept(my $client_sock, $sock);
print "Connection accepted\n";


Shuts down a socket.

shutdown($sock, 2);  # 2 means shut down both reading and writing

28. Advanced Error Handling Functions


Prints a warning message with a stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
carp "This is a warning message\n";


Prints a warning message with a full stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
cluck "This is a warning message\n";

eval (Advanced Usage)

Evaluates a block of code and catches errors.

eval {
    die "An error occurred\n";
if ($@) {
    print "Error caught: $@\n";

29. Advanced Regular Expression Functions

qr (Advanced Usage)

Compiles a regular expression with modifiers.

my $regex = qr/foo/i;  # Case-insensitive match
if ("FOO" =~ $regex) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

pos (Advanced Usage)

Sets the position of the last match.

my $str = "foo bar foo";
$str =~ /foo/g;
pos($str) = 4;
if ($str =~ /foo/g) {
    print "Match found at position ", pos($str), "\n";  # Output: Match found at position 8

study (Advanced Usage)

Optimizes a string for repeated pattern matching.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
if ($str =~ /World/) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

30. Advanced Mathematical Functions

atan2 (Advanced Usage)

Returns the arctangent of Y/X in radians.

my $angle = atan2(1, 1);
print "Angle: $angle radians\n";  # Output: Angle: 0.785398163397448 radians

exp (Advanced Usage)

Returns the exponential of a number.

my $exp = exp(1);
print "Exponential: $exp\n";  # Output: Exponential: 2.71828182845905

log (Advanced Usage)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

my $log = log(10);
print "Natural Logarithm: $log\n";  # Output: Natural Logarithm: 2.30258509299405

sin (Advanced Usage)

Returns the sine of a number.

my $sin = sin(1);
print "Sine: $sin\n";  # Output: Sine: 0.841470984807897

cos (Advanced Usage)

Returns the cosine of a number.

my $cos = cos(1);
print "Cosine: $cos\n";  # Output: Cosine: 0.54030230586814

rand (Advanced Usage)

Generates a random number within a range.

my $rand_num = int(rand(100));
print "Random Number: $rand_num\n";  # Output: Random Number: [0, 99]

31. Advanced Miscellaneous Functions

tied (Advanced Usage)

Returns the object underlying a tied variable.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';
my $obj = tied %hash;
print "Tied Object: $obj\n";

untie (Advanced Usage)

Breaks the binding between a variable and a package.

untie %hash;

formline (Advanced Usage)

Formats a string (used with format).

formline("Hello, @<<<<", "World");
print $^A;  # Output: Hello, World

vec (Advanced Usage)

Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers.

my $str = "ABC";
vec($str, 0, 8) = 88;
print "Modified String: $str\n";  # Output: Modified String: XBC

32. Advanced Special Variables


Returns the operating system name.

print "Operating System: $^O\n";  # Output: Operating System: linux (or darwin, MSWin32, etc.)


Returns the time the script started running.

print "Script Start Time: $^T\n";  # Output: Script Start Time: [epoch time]


Returns the name of the Perl executable.

print "Perl Executable: $^X\n";  # Output: Perl Executable: /usr/bin/perl


Returns the Perl version.

print "Perl Version: $^V\n";  # Output: Perl Version: v5.34.0 (or similar)


Returns the current value of the warning flag.

print "Warning Flag: $^W\n";  # Output: Warning Flag: 1 (if warnings are enabled)

33. Advanced File Test Operators


Returns the age of the file in days since the script started.

my $age = -M 'file.txt';
print "File Age: $age days\n";


Returns the inode change age of the file in days.

my $inode_age = -C 'file.txt';
print "Inode Change Age: $inode_age days\n";


Returns the access age of the file in days.

my $access_age = -A 'file.txt';
print "Access Age: $access_age days\n";

34. Advanced Input/Output Functions


Moves the file pointer to a specific position.

open(my $fh, '+<', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
sysseek($fh, 10, 0);  # Move to the 10th byte
print $fh "Hello";


Truncates a file to a specified length.

open(my $fh, '+<', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
truncate($fh, 100);  # Truncate file to 100 bytes


Locks a file for exclusive access.

open(my $fh, '>>', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
flock($fh, 2) or die "Cannot lock file: $!";  # 2 means exclusive lock
print $fh "Exclusive access\n";
flock($fh, 8);  # 8 means unlock

fcntl (Advanced Usage)

Performs low-level file control operations.

use Fcntl;
fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);

ioctl (Advanced Usage)

Performs device-specific input/output operations.

use IO::Handle;
ioctl($fh, 0x1234, $arg);

35. Advanced System Interaction Functions

pipe (Advanced Usage)

Creates a pair of filehandles for interprocess communication.

pipe(my $reader, my $writer);
print $writer "Hello, World!\n";
my $message = <$reader>;
print "Message: $message\n";  # Output: Message: Hello, World!

socket (Advanced Usage)

Creates a socket for network communication.

use Socket;
socket(my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));

bind (Advanced Usage)

Binds a socket to an address.

my $port = 12345;
my $addr = sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY);
bind($sock, $addr) or die "Cannot bind socket: $!";

listen (Advanced Usage)

Listens for incoming connections on a socket.

listen($sock, 5) or die "Cannot listen on socket: $!";

accept (Advanced Usage)

Accepts an incoming connection on a socket.

my $client_addr = accept(my $client_sock, $sock);
print "Connection accepted\n";

shutdown (Advanced Usage)

Shuts down a socket.

shutdown($sock, 2);  # 2 means shut down both reading and writing

36. Advanced Error Handling Functions

carp (Advanced Usage)

Prints a warning message with a stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
carp "This is a warning message\n";

cluck (Advanced Usage)

Prints a warning message with a full stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
cluck "This is a warning message\n";

eval (Advanced Usage)

Evaluates a block of code and catches errors.

eval {
    die "An error occurred\n";
if ($@) {
    print "Error caught: $@\n";

37. Advanced Regular Expression Functions

qr (Advanced Usage)

Compiles a regular expression with modifiers.

my $regex = qr/foo/i;  # Case-insensitive match
if ("FOO" =~ $regex) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

pos (Advanced Usage)

Sets the position of the last match.

my $str = "foo bar foo";
$str =~ /foo/g;
pos($str) = 4;
if ($str =~ /foo/g) {
    print "Match found at position ", pos($str), "\n";  # Output: Match found at position 8

study (Advanced Usage)

Optimizes a string for repeated pattern matching.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
if ($str =~ /World/) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

38. Advanced Mathematical Functions

atan2 (Advanced Usage)

Returns the arctangent of Y/X in radians.

my $angle = atan2(1, 1);
print "Angle: $angle radians\n";  # Output: Angle: 0.785398163397448 radians

exp (Advanced Usage)

Returns the exponential of a number.

my $exp = exp(1);
print "Exponential: $exp\n";  # Output: Exponential: 2.71828182845905

log (Advanced Usage)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

my $log = log(10);
print "Natural Logarithm: $log\n";  # Output: Natural Logarithm: 2.30258509299405

sin (Advanced Usage)

Returns the sine of a number.

my $sin = sin(1);
print "Sine: $sin\n";  # Output: Sine: 0.841470984807897

cos (Advanced Usage)

Returns the cosine of a number.

my $cos = cos(1);
print "Cosine: $cos\n";  # Output: Cosine: 0.54030230586814

rand (Advanced Usage)

Generates a random number within a range.

my $rand_num = int(rand(100));
print "Random Number: $rand_num\n";  # Output: Random Number: [0, 99]

39. Advanced Miscellaneous Functions

tied (Advanced Usage)

Returns the object underlying a tied variable.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';
my $obj = tied %hash;
print "Tied Object: $obj\n";

untie (Advanced Usage)

Breaks the binding between a variable and a package.

untie %hash;

formline (Advanced Usage)

Formats a string (used with format).

formline("Hello, @<<<<", "World");
print $^A;  # Output: Hello, World

vec (Advanced Usage)

Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers.

my $str = "ABC";
vec($str, 0, 8) = 88;
print "Modified String: $str\n";  # Output: Modified String: XBC

40. Advanced Special Variables


Returns the operating system name.

print "Operating System: $^O\n";  # Output: Operating System: linux (or darwin, MSWin32, etc.)


Returns the time the script started running.

print "Script Start Time: $^T\n";  # Output: Script Start Time: [epoch time]


Returns the name of the Perl executable.

print "Perl Executable: $^X\n";  # Output: Perl Executable: /usr/bin/perl


Returns the Perl version.

print "Perl Version: $^V\n";  # Output: Perl Version: v5.34.0 (or similar)


Returns the current value of the warning flag.

print "Warning Flag: $^W\n";  # Output: Warning Flag: 1 (if warnings are enabled)

41. Advanced File Test Operators


Returns the age of the file in days since the script started.

my $age = -M 'file.txt';
print "File Age: $age days\n";


Returns the inode change age of the file in days.

my $inode_age = -C 'file.txt';
print "Inode Change Age: $inode_age days\n";


Returns the access age of the file in days.

my $access_age = -A 'file.txt';
print "Access Age: $access_age days\n";

42. Advanced File and Directory Functions


Opens a directory for reading.

opendir(my $dh, 'directory') or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
while (my $file = readdir($dh)) {
    print "File: $file\n";


Reads entries from a directory handle.

opendir(my $dh, 'directory') or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
my @files = readdir($dh);
print "Files: @files\n";


Resets the position of a directory handle to the beginning.

opendir(my $dh, 'directory') or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
readdir($dh);  # Read some entries
rewinddir($dh);  # Reset to the beginning


Returns the current position of a directory handle.

opendir(my $dh, 'directory') or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
my $pos = telldir($dh);
print "Directory Position: $pos\n";


Sets the position of a directory handle.

opendir(my $dh, 'directory') or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
seekdir($dh, 0);  # Reset to the beginning

mkdir (Advanced Usage)

Creates a directory with specific permissions.

mkdir('new_directory', 0755) or die "Cannot create directory: $!";

rmdir (Advanced Usage)

Removes an empty directory.

rmdir('empty_directory') or die "Cannot remove directory: $!";

43. Advanced Process Control Functions


Waits for a specific child process to finish.

my $pid = fork;
if ($pid == 0) {
    print "Child Process\n";
} else {
    waitpid($pid, 0);
    print "Parent Process: Child finished\n";


Gets user information by name.

my $user_info = getpwnam('root');
print "User Info: $user_info\n";


Gets group information by name.

my $group_info = getgrnam('wheel');
print "Group Info: $group_info\n";


Gets user information by UID.

my $user_info = getpwuid(0);
print "User Info: $user_info\n";


Gets group information by GID.

my $group_info = getgrgid(0);
print "Group Info: $group_info\n";

44. Advanced Signal Handling Functions


Handles signals in Perl.

$SIG{INT} = sub { print "Caught SIGINT\n"; exit; };
print "Press Ctrl+C to trigger SIGINT\n";

kill (Advanced Usage)

Sends a signal to a process.

kill('TERM', $pid);

alarm (Advanced Usage)

Sets a timer to deliver a signal.


45. Advanced Networking Functions


Gets host information by name.

my $host_info = gethostbyname('localhost');
print "Host Info: $host_info\n";


Gets host information by address.

my $addr = inet_aton('');
my $host_info = gethostbyaddr($addr, AF_INET);
print "Host Info: $host_info\n";


Gets service information by name.

my $service_info = getservbyname('http', 'tcp');
print "Service Info: $service_info\n";


Gets service information by port.

my $service_info = getservbyport(80, 'tcp');
print "Service Info: $service_info\n";

46. Advanced Data Manipulation Functions

pack (Advanced Usage)

Converts a list of values into a binary string.

my $binary_str = pack("C*", 65, 66, 67);
print "Binary String: $binary_str\n";  # Output: Binary String: ABC

unpack (Advanced Usage)

Converts a binary string into a list of values.

my @values = unpack("C*", "ABC");
print "Values: @values\n";  # Output: Values: 65 66 67

vec (Advanced Usage)

Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers.

my $str = "ABC";
vec($str, 0, 8) = 88;
print "Modified String: $str\n";  # Output: Modified String: XBC

47. Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Functions

bless (Advanced Usage)

Associates an object with a class.

package MyClass;
sub new {
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, 'MyClass';
    return $self;
my $obj = MyClass->new();
print "Object is blessed into: ", ref($obj), "\n";  # Output: Object is blessed into: MyClass

ref (Advanced Usage)

Returns the type of a reference.

my $array_ref = [1, 2, 3];
print "Reference Type: ", ref($array_ref), "\n";  # Output: Reference Type: ARRAY

tie (Advanced Usage)

Binds a variable to a class implementing TIEHASH, TIEARRAY, etc.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';

untie (Advanced Usage)

Breaks the binding between a variable and a package.

untie %hash;

48. Advanced Miscellaneous Functions

caller (Advanced Usage)

Returns information about the caller of a subroutine.

sub foo {
    my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
    print "Called from package: $package, file: $filename, line: $line\n";

require (Advanced Usage)

Loads a Perl module or file.

require '';

use (Advanced Usage)

Loads a Perl module at compile time.

use strict;
use warnings;

package (Advanced Usage)

Declares a package namespace.

package MyPackage;
sub hello {
    print "Hello from MyPackage\n";
MyPackage::hello();  # Output: Hello from MyPackage

49. Advanced Special Variables


Returns the operating system name.

print "Operating System: $^O\n";  # Output: Operating System: linux (or darwin, MSWin32, etc.)


Returns the time the script started running.

print "Script Start Time: $^T\n";  # Output: Script Start Time: [epoch time]


Returns the name of the Perl executable.

print "Perl Executable: $^X\n";  # Output: Perl Executable: /usr/bin/perl


Returns the Perl version.

print "Perl Version: $^V\n";  # Output: Perl Version: v5.34.0 (or similar)


Returns the current value of the warning flag.

print "Warning Flag: $^W\n";  # Output: Warning Flag: 1 (if warnings are enabled)

50. Advanced File Test Operators


Returns the age of the file in days since the script started.

my $age = -M 'file.txt';
print "File Age: $age days\n";


Returns the inode change age of the file in days.

my $inode_age = -C 'file.txt';
print "Inode Change Age: $inode_age days\n";


Returns the access age of the file in days.

my $access_age = -A 'file.txt';
print "Access Age: $access_age days\n";

51. Advanced Input/Output Functions


Reads a fixed number of bytes from a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '<', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
my $buffer;
sysread($fh, $buffer, 1024);
print "Read Data: $buffer\n";


Writes a fixed number of bytes to a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '>', 'output.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
syswrite($fh, "Hello, World!", 13);


Performs low-level file control operations.

use Fcntl;
fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);


Performs device-specific input/output operations.

use IO::Handle;
ioctl($fh, 0x1234, $arg);

52. Advanced System Interaction Functions


Creates a pair of filehandles for interprocess communication.

pipe(my $reader, my $writer);
print $writer "Hello, World!\n";
my $message = <$reader>;
print "Message: $message\n";  # Output: Message: Hello, World!


Creates a socket for network communication.

use Socket;
socket(my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));


Binds a socket to an address.

my $port = 12345;
my $addr = sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY);
bind($sock, $addr) or die "Cannot bind socket: $!";


Listens for incoming connections on a socket.

listen($sock, 5) or die "Cannot listen on socket: $!";


Accepts an incoming connection on a socket.

my $client_addr = accept(my $client_sock, $sock);
print "Connection accepted\n";


Shuts down a socket.

shutdown($sock, 2);  # 2 means shut down both reading and writing

53. Advanced Error Handling Functions


Prints a warning message with a stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
carp "This is a warning message\n";


Prints a warning message with a full stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
cluck "This is a warning message\n";

eval (Advanced Usage)

Evaluates a block of code and catches errors.

eval {
    die "An error occurred\n";
if ($@) {
    print "Error caught: $@\n";

54. Advanced Regular Expression Functions

qr (Advanced Usage)

Compiles a regular expression with modifiers.

my $regex = qr/foo/i;  # Case-insensitive match
if ("FOO" =~ $regex) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

pos (Advanced Usage)

Sets the position of the last match.

my $str = "foo bar foo";
$str =~ /foo/g;
pos($str) = 4;
if ($str =~ /foo/g) {
    print "Match found at position ", pos($str), "\n";  # Output: Match found at position 8

study (Advanced Usage)

Optimizes a string for repeated pattern matching.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
if ($str =~ /World/) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

55. Advanced Mathematical Functions

atan2 (Advanced Usage)

Returns the arctangent of Y/X in radians.

my $angle = atan2(1, 1);
print "Angle: $angle radians\n";  # Output: Angle: 0.785398163397448 radians

exp (Advanced Usage)

Returns the exponential of a number.

my $exp = exp(1);
print "Exponential: $exp\n";  # Output: Exponential: 2.71828182845905

log (Advanced Usage)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

my $log = log(10);
print "Natural Logarithm: $log\n";  # Output: Natural Logarithm: 2.30258509299405

sin (Advanced Usage)

Returns the sine of a number.

my $sin = sin(1);
print "Sine: $sin\n";  # Output: Sine: 0.841470984807897

cos (Advanced Usage)

Returns the cosine of a number.

my $cos = cos(1);
print "Cosine: $cos\n";  # Output: Cosine: 0.54030230586814

rand (Advanced Usage)

Generates a random number within a range.

my $rand_num = int(rand(100));
print "Random Number: $rand_num\n";  # Output: Random Number: [0, 99]

56. Advanced Miscellaneous Functions

tied (Advanced Usage)

Returns the object underlying a tied variable.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';
my $obj = tied %hash;
print "Tied Object: $obj\n";

untie (Advanced Usage)

Breaks the binding between a variable and a package.

untie %hash;

formline (Advanced Usage)

Formats a string (used with format).

formline("Hello, @<<<<", "World");
print $^A;  # Output: Hello, World

vec (Advanced Usage)

Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers.

my $str = "ABC";
vec($str, 0, 8) = 88;
print "Modified String: $str\n";  # Output: Modified String: XBC

57. Advanced Special Variables


Returns the operating system name.

print "Operating System: $^O\n";  # Output: Operating System: linux (or darwin, MSWin32, etc.)


Returns the time the script started running.

print "Script Start Time: $^T\n";  # Output: Script Start Time: [epoch time]


Returns the name of the Perl executable.

print "Perl Executable: $^X\n";  # Output: Perl Executable: /usr/bin/perl


Returns the Perl version.

print "Perl Version: $^V\n";  # Output: Perl Version: v5.34.0 (or similar)


Returns the current value of the warning flag.

print "Warning Flag: $^W\n";  # Output: Warning Flag: 1 (if warnings are enabled)

58. Advanced File Test Operators


Returns the age of the file in days since the script started.

my $age = -M 'file.txt';
print "File Age: $age days\n";


Returns the inode change age of the file in days.

my $inode_age = -C 'file.txt';
print "Inode Change Age: $inode_age days\n";


Returns the access age of the file in days.

my $access_age = -A 'file.txt';
print "Access Age: $access_age days\n";

59. Advanced Regular Expression Functions

study (Advanced Usage)

Optimizes a string for repeated pattern matching.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
if ($str =~ /World/) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

pos (Advanced Usage)

Sets the position of the last match.

my $str = "foo bar foo";
$str =~ /foo/g;
pos($str) = 4;
if ($str =~ /foo/g) {
    print "Match found at position ", pos($str), "\n";  # Output: Match found at position 8

qr (Advanced Usage)

Compiles a regular expression with modifiers.

my $regex = qr/foo/i;  # Case-insensitive match
if ("FOO" =~ $regex) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

60. Advanced Mathematical Functions

atan2 (Advanced Usage)

Returns the arctangent of Y/X in radians.

my $angle = atan2(1, 1);
print "Angle: $angle radians\n";  # Output: Angle: 0.785398163397448 radians

exp (Advanced Usage)

Returns the exponential of a number.

my $exp = exp(1);
print "Exponential: $exp\n";  # Output: Exponential: 2.71828182845905

log (Advanced Usage)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

my $log = log(10);
print "Natural Logarithm: $log\n";  # Output: Natural Logarithm: 2.30258509299405

sin (Advanced Usage)

Returns the sine of a number.

my $sin = sin(1);
print "Sine: $sin\n";  # Output: Sine: 0.841470984807897

cos (Advanced Usage)

Returns the cosine of a number.

my $cos = cos(1);
print "Cosine: $cos\n";  # Output: Cosine: 0.54030230586814

rand (Advanced Usage)

Generates a random number within a range.

my $rand_num = int(rand(100));
print "Random Number: $rand_num\n";  # Output: Random Number: [0, 99]

61. Advanced Miscellaneous Functions

tied (Advanced Usage)

Returns the object underlying a tied variable.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';
my $obj = tied %hash;
print "Tied Object: $obj\n";

untie (Advanced Usage)

Breaks the binding between a variable and a package.

untie %hash;

formline (Advanced Usage)

Formats a string (used with format).

formline("Hello, @<<<<", "World");
print $^A;  # Output: Hello, World

vec (Advanced Usage)

Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers.

my $str = "ABC";
vec($str, 0, 8) = 88;
print "Modified String: $str\n";  # Output: Modified String: XBC

62. Advanced Special Variables


Returns the operating system name.

print "Operating System: $^O\n";  # Output: Operating System: linux (or darwin, MSWin32, etc.)


Returns the time the script started running.

print "Script Start Time: $^T\n";  # Output: Script Start Time: [epoch time]


Returns the name of the Perl executable.

print "Perl Executable: $^X\n";  # Output: Perl Executable: /usr/bin/perl


Returns the Perl version.

print "Perl Version: $^V\n";  # Output: Perl Version: v5.34.0 (or similar)


Returns the current value of the warning flag.

print "Warning Flag: $^W\n";  # Output: Warning Flag: 1 (if warnings are enabled)

63. Advanced File Test Operators


Returns the age of the file in days since the script started.

my $age = -M 'file.txt';
print "File Age: $age days\n";


Returns the inode change age of the file in days.

my $inode_age = -C 'file.txt';
print "Inode Change Age: $inode_age days\n";


Returns the access age of the file in days.

my $access_age = -A 'file.txt';
print "Access Age: $access_age days\n";

64. Advanced Input/Output Functions


Reads a fixed number of bytes from a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '<', 'file.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
my $buffer;
sysread($fh, $buffer, 1024);
print "Read Data: $buffer\n";


Writes a fixed number of bytes to a filehandle.

open(my $fh, '>', 'output.txt') or die "Cannot open file: $!";
syswrite($fh, "Hello, World!", 13);


Performs low-level file control operations.

use Fcntl;
fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);


Performs device-specific input/output operations.

use IO::Handle;
ioctl($fh, 0x1234, $arg);

65. Advanced System Interaction Functions


Creates a pair of filehandles for interprocess communication.

pipe(my $reader, my $writer);
print $writer "Hello, World!\n";
my $message = <$reader>;
print "Message: $message\n";  # Output: Message: Hello, World!


Creates a socket for network communication.

use Socket;
socket(my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));


Binds a socket to an address.

my $port = 12345;
my $addr = sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY);
bind($sock, $addr) or die "Cannot bind socket: $!";


Listens for incoming connections on a socket.

listen($sock, 5) or die "Cannot listen on socket: $!";


Accepts an incoming connection on a socket.

my $client_addr = accept(my $client_sock, $sock);
print "Connection accepted\n";


Shuts down a socket.

shutdown($sock, 2);  # 2 means shut down both reading and writing

66. Advanced Error Handling Functions


Prints a warning message with a stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
carp "This is a warning message\n";


Prints a warning message with a full stack trace (from Carp module).

use Carp;
cluck "This is a warning message\n";

eval (Advanced Usage)

Evaluates a block of code and catches errors.

eval {
    die "An error occurred\n";
if ($@) {
    print "Error caught: $@\n";

67. Advanced Regular Expression Functions

qr (Advanced Usage)

Compiles a regular expression with modifiers.

my $regex = qr/foo/i;  # Case-insensitive match
if ("FOO" =~ $regex) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

pos (Advanced Usage)

Sets the position of the last match.

my $str = "foo bar foo";
$str =~ /foo/g;
pos($str) = 4;
if ($str =~ /foo/g) {
    print "Match found at position ", pos($str), "\n";  # Output: Match found at position 8

study (Advanced Usage)

Optimizes a string for repeated pattern matching.

my $str = "Hello, World!";
if ($str =~ /World/) {
    print "Match found\n";  # Output: Match found

68. Advanced Mathematical Functions

atan2 (Advanced Usage)

Returns the arctangent of Y/X in radians.

my $angle = atan2(1, 1);
print "Angle: $angle radians\n";  # Output: Angle: 0.785398163397448 radians

exp (Advanced Usage)

Returns the exponential of a number.

my $exp = exp(1);
print "Exponential: $exp\n";  # Output: Exponential: 2.71828182845905

log (Advanced Usage)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

my $log = log(10);
print "Natural Logarithm: $log\n";  # Output: Natural Logarithm: 2.30258509299405

sin (Advanced Usage)

Returns the sine of a number.

my $sin = sin(1);
print "Sine: $sin\n";  # Output: Sine: 0.841470984807897

cos (Advanced Usage)

Returns the cosine of a number.

my $cos = cos(1);
print "Cosine: $cos\n";  # Output: Cosine: 0.54030230586814

rand (Advanced Usage)

Generates a random number within a range.

my $rand_num = int(rand(100));
print "Random Number: $rand_num\n";  # Output: Random Number: [0, 99]

69. Advanced Miscellaneous Functions

tied (Advanced Usage)

Returns the object underlying a tied variable.

tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash';
my $obj = tied %hash;
print "Tied Object: $obj\n";

untie (Advanced Usage)

Breaks the binding between a variable and a package.

untie %hash;

formline (Advanced Usage)

Formats a string (used with format).

formline("Hello, @<<<<", "World");
print $^A;  # Output: Hello, World

vec (Advanced Usage)

Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers.

my $str = "ABC";
vec($str, 0, 8) = 88;
print "Modified String: $str\n";  # Output: Modified String: XBC

70. Advanced Special Variables


Returns the operating system name.

print "Operating System: $^O\n";  # Output: Operating System: linux (or darwin, MSWin32, etc.)


Returns the time the script started running.

print "Script Start Time: $^T\n";  # Output: Script Start Time: [epoch time]


Returns the name of the Perl executable.

print "Perl Executable: $^X\n";  # Output: Perl Executable: /usr/bin/perl


Returns the Perl version.

print "Perl Version: $^V\n";  # Output: Perl Version: v5.34.0 (or similar)


Returns the current value of the warning flag.

print "Warning Flag: $^W\n";  # Output: Warning Flag: 1 (if warnings are enabled)

71. Advanced File Test Operators


Returns the age of the file in days since the script started.

my $age = -M 'file.txt';
print "File Age: $age days\n";


Returns the inode change age of the file in days.

my $inode_age = -C 'file.txt';
print "Inode Change Age: $inode_age days\n";


Returns the access age of the file in days.

my $access_age = -A 'file.txt';
print "Access Age: $access_age days\n";



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