Perl program for conversion of Verilog code to VHDL (VLSI)
use strict;
use warnings;
# Read Verilog code from input file
my $verilog_code = do { local $/; <> };
# Convert module definition
if ($verilog_code =~ /module\s+(\w+)\s*\((.*?)\);(.*?)endmodule/s) {
my $module_name = $1;
my $module_ports = $2;
my $module_body = $3;
# Convert port list
$module_ports =~ s/input\s+(\S+)/inout $1/g;
$module_ports =~ s/output\s+(\S+)/inout $1/g;
# Convert module body
$module_body =~ s/input\s+(\S+)/inout $1;/g;
$module_body =~ s/output\s+(\S+)/inout $1;/g;
$module_body =~ s/wire\s+(\S+)/signal $1;/g;
$module_body =~ s/reg\s+(\S+)/signal $1;/g;
# Generate VHDL code
my $vhdl_code = <<"END";
entity $module_name is
port ($module_ports);
end $module_name;
architecture rtl of $module_name is
end rtl;
# Print VHDL code to output file
print $vhdl_code;
else {
die "Error: Could not find module definition in Verilog code\n";
input Verilog code only contains one module definition. If there are multiple module definitions in the code, you may need to modify the program to handle them appropriately. Also, the conversion may not be perfect, so you should carefully review the output VHDL code to ensure that it is correct and meets your requirements,thanks.