Thursday 21 July 2022

Troubleshooting 'UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!' Error: How to Resolve SSH Access Issue to Amazon EC2 Instance (AWS)"

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides powerful cloud computing solutions, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a fundamental service for launching and managing virtual servers. SSH (Secure Shell) is the default method for accessing EC2 instances securely. However, you may encounter the "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!" error while trying to SSH into your EC2 instance. This error indicates that the permissions on your private key file are too permissive, making it unsafe for SSH authentication. In this blog post, we'll explore the root cause of this error and provide step-by-step solutions to resolve it, ensuring a secure and successful SSH connection.


  1. An AWS account with access to EC2 instances.
  2. An EC2 instance running and accessible via SSH.
  3. A local terminal or command prompt to execute commands.

Understanding the Error:

SSH uses key pairs for authentication, consisting of a public key (stored on the EC2 instance) and a private key (stored on your local machine). The private key should have limited permissions to ensure security. When the permissions on the private key file are too open, SSH raises the "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!" error as a safety measure.

Step 1: Locate Your Private Key File

The first step is to locate the private key file on your local machine. By default, AWS EC2 instances use key pairs for SSH authentication, and you might have created or selected one during the instance setup. The private key file often has a .pem extension.

To locate your private key file on your local machine, follow these steps:

Open a terminal or command prompt on your local machine.

Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you suspect your private key file is located. For example, if you think it might be in your home directory, use the following command:

cd ~

Now, use the ls command to list all files in the current directory. Look for a file with a .pem extension, as AWS EC2 instances typically use key pairs with this extension for SSH authentication.

ls -al

This will display a list of files and directories in the current directory, along with their permissions and other details. If you find a file with a .pem extension, that's likely your private key file.

If you don't find the private key file in the current directory, you can search for it in other directories on your machine. Use the cd command to navigate to different directories and repeat step 3 until you locate the file.

For example, you can navigate to the root directory and search from there:

cd /

ls -al

Once you locate the private key file, make note of its location and name. You will need this information to use the private key for SSH authentication.

Step 2: Check and Adjust File Permissions

Before attempting to SSH into your EC2 instance, check the permissions of your private key file. Open a terminal or command prompt, and navigate to the directory where the private key is stored. Use the ls -l command to display the file permissions:

ls -l your_private_key.pem

You should see output similar to this:

-rw------- 1 your_username your_groupname 1675 Jul 20 09:30 your_private_key.pem

The permissions are represented by the -rw------- part. The 'r' indicates read permission, and the 'w' indicates write permission. The '-------' part means no permissions for other users.

To secure the private key file, you should restrict permissions to the owner (you) only. Use the chmod command with the 400 permission:

chmod 400 your_private_key.pem

 The chmod command changes the file permissions, and '400' sets the permissions so that only the owner of the file can read and write the file. Other users have no permissions.

Step 3: Retry SSH Connection

Now that you've adjusted the file permissions, try SSHing into your EC2 instance again using the following command:

ssh -i your_private_key.pem ec2-user@your_ec2_instance_ip

Replace your_private_key.pem with the actual name of your private key file, and your_ec2_instance_ip with the public IP address of your EC2 instance.

 The -i flag specifies the private key file to use for authentication, and ec2-user is the default user for Amazon Linux-based instances.

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Sunday 20 February 2022

Heroku vs. AWS: Understanding the Differences and Choices in Cloud Deployment

In today's technology-driven world, cloud computing has become the backbone of modern application deployment. Cloud platforms offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, allowing businesses and developers to focus on building and delivering great products. Two popular cloud platforms, Heroku and AWS (Amazon Web Services), have gained immense popularity in the development community. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between Heroku and AWS and help you understand which platform may be the right choice for your cloud deployment needs.

Heroku Overview:

Heroku is a fully managed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud platform that simplifies the process of deploying, managing, and scaling applications. It abstracts away much of the underlying infrastructure complexities, making it an ideal choice for developers who want to focus on building their applications rather than managing servers.

AWS Overview:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud platform offering a wide range of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. AWS provides various cloud services, including compute, storage, databases, networking, machine learning, and more, giving users complete control over their infrastructure.

Comparing Heroku and AWS:

a. Ease of Use:

Heroku: With its simple and intuitive interface, Heroku is incredibly easy to use. Developers can deploy applications with a single command, and the platform takes care of the rest, including scaling and load balancing.

AWS: AWS offers a wide array of services and features, which can be overwhelming for beginners. While AWS provides extensive documentation and tools, it may require more configuration and setup compared to Heroku.

Example - Deploying a Flask Application:


  1. Install Heroku CLI and login.
  2. Navigate to your Flask project directory.
  3. Create a requirements.txt file with project dependencies.
  4. Create a Procfile to define the web process.
  5. Use git to commit changes.
  6. Deploy the application using git push heroku master.


  1. Create an EC2 instance with the desired OS and configuration.
  2. SSH into the instance and set up the environment (e.g., Python, Flask, Gunicorn, etc.).
  3. Install and configure a web server like Nginx or Apache.
  4. Set up security groups and inbound rules.
  5. Deploy the Flask application manually or use a CI/CD pipeline.

b. Scalability:

Heroku: Heroku automatically scales applications based on demand, making it suitable for small to medium-sized projects. However, it may have limitations for high-traffic enterprise applications.

AWS: AWS provides on-demand scalability and allows users to choose from a wide range of instances, enabling seamless scaling for applications of any size.

Example - Auto Scaling:

Heroku: Heroku automatically handles application scaling, and developers can customize the number of dynos (containers) based on web and worker traffic.

AWS: AWS Auto Scaling allows you to set up policies to automatically adjust the number of instances based on predefined conditions, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

c. Cost:

Heroku: Heroku offers a straightforward pricing model based on dyno hours and add-ons. It is easy to estimate costs, especially for smaller applications. However, costs can increase as the application scales.

AWS: AWS pricing is more granular, with costs varying based on individual services' usage. AWS's pay-as-you-go model allows flexibility, but it can be complex to estimate costs accurately.

Example - Cost Estimation:

Heroku: A simple web application with a single dyno and standard add-ons can cost around $25-50 per month.

AWS: The cost of hosting the same web application on AWS can vary depending on factors such as EC2 instance type, RDS database, S3 storage, and data transfer.

Let's walk through the process of deploying a Django application on both Heroku and AWS to better understand the differences in deployment workflows.

Deploying a Django Application on Heroku:

Step 1: Install Heroku CLI and Login

First, install the Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local machine and log in to your Heroku account using the command line.

Step 2: Prepare the Django Project

Navigate to your Django project directory and ensure that your project is version-controlled using Git. If not, initialize a Git repository in your project directory.

Step 3: Create a requirements.txt File

Create a requirements.txt file in your project directory, listing all the Python dependencies required for your Django application. Heroku uses this file to install the necessary packages.

Example requirements.txt:



Step 4: Create a Procfile

Create a Procfile in your project directory to declare the command to start your Django application using Gunicorn. This file tells Heroku how to run your application.

Example Procfile:

web: gunicorn your_project_name.wsgi --log-file -

Step 5: Deploy the Application

Commit your changes to the Git repository and then deploy your Django application to Heroku using the following command:

$ git add .

$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

$ git push heroku master

Heroku will automatically build and deploy your application. Once the deployment is successful, you will be provided with a URL where your Django application is hosted.

Deploying a Django Application on AWS:

Step 1: Create an AWS EC2 Instance
Log in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to the EC2 service. Create a new EC2 instance with your desired OS and configuration. Ensure that you select the appropriate security group and inbound rules to allow HTTP traffic.

Step 2: SSH into the EC2 Instance
After creating the EC2 instance, SSH into it using the private key associated with the instance. Install required packages such as Python, Django, and Gunicorn on the EC2 instance.

Step 3: Set Up a Web Server
Install and configure a web server like Nginx or Apache on the EC2 instance. Configure the server to proxy requests to Gunicorn, which will serve your Django application.

Step 4: Deploy the Django Application
Copy your Django project files to the EC2 instance using SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) or any other preferred method. Then, start the Gunicorn process to serve your Django application.

Step 5: Configure Security Groups and Inbound Rules
Ensure that your EC2 instance's security group allows incoming HTTP traffic on port 80 so that users can access your Django application through a web browser.

In this example, we have seen the deployment process of a Django application on both Heroku and AWS. Heroku provided a straightforward and streamlined approach to deployment, while AWS allowed for more control and customization. The decision between Heroku and AWS depends on your project's complexity, scalability needs, and budget considerations. Both platforms offer unique advantages, and understanding the differences will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your specific project requirements. 

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Monday 26 July 2021

6 ways to download entire S3 bucket Complete Guide

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a popular cloud storage solution provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows users to store and retrieve large amounts of data securely and efficiently. While you can download individual files using the AWS Management Console, there are times when you need to download the entire contents of an S3 bucket. In this guide, we will explore six different methods to accomplish this task, providing step-by-step instructions and code examples for each approach.

Before we begin, you should have the following in place:

  1. An AWS account with access to the S3 service.
  2. AWS CLI installed on your local machine (for CLI methods).
  3. Basic knowledge of the AWS Management Console and AWS CLI.

Method 1: Using the AWS Management Console

Step 1: Log in to your AWS Management Console.
Step 2: Navigate to the S3 service and locate the bucket you want to download.
Step 3: Click on the bucket to view its contents.
Step 4: Select all the files and folders you want to download.
Step 5: Click the "Download" button to download the selected files to your local machine.

Method 2: Using AWS CLI (Command Line Interface)

To download an entire S3 bucket using the AWS CLI, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the AWS CLI
If you don't have the AWS CLI installed on your local machine, you can download and install it from the official AWS Command Line Interface website:

Step 2: Configure AWS CLI with Credentials
Once the AWS CLI is installed, you need to configure it with your AWS credentials. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

aws configure

You will be prompted to enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format. These credentials will be used by the AWS CLI to authenticate and access your AWS resources, including the S3 bucket.

Step 3: Download the Entire S3 Bucket
Now that the AWS CLI is configured, you can use it to download the entire S3 bucket. There are multiple ways to achieve this:

Method 1: Using aws s3 sync Command

The sync command is used to synchronize the contents of a local directory with an S3 bucket. To download the entire S3 bucket to your local machine, create an empty directory and run the following command:

aws s3 sync s3://your-bucket-name /path/to/local/directory

Replace your-bucket-name with the name of your S3 bucket, and /path/to/local/directory with the path to the local directory where you want to download the files.

Method 2: Using aws s3 cp Command with --recursive Flag

The cp command is used to copy files between your local file system and S3. By using the --recursive flag, you can recursively copy the entire contents of the S3 bucket to your local machine:

aws s3 cp s3://your-bucket-name /path/to/local/directory --recursive

Replace your-bucket-name with the name of your S3 bucket, and /path/to/local/directory with the path to the local directory where you want to download the files.

Both methods will download all the files and directories from the S3 bucket to your local machine. If the bucket contains a large amount of data, the download process may take some time to complete.

It's important to note that the AWS CLI methods can only be used to download publicly accessible S3 buckets or S3 buckets for which you have appropriate IAM permissions to read objects. If the bucket is private and you don't have the necessary permissions, you won't be able to download its contents using the AWS CLI. In such cases, you may need to use other methods like SDKs or AWS Management Console, as described in the previous sections of this guide.

Method 3: Using AWS SDKs (Software Development Kits)

Step 1: Choose the AWS SDK for your preferred programming language (e.g., Python, Java, JavaScript).
Step 2: Install and configure the SDK in your development environment.
Step 3: Use the SDK's API to list all objects in the bucket and download them one by one or in parallel.

Python Example:

import boto3

# Initialize the S3 client
s3 = boto3.client('s3')

# List all objects in the bucket
bucket_name = 'your-bucket-name'
response = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket_name)

# Download each object
for obj in response['Contents']:
    s3.download_file(bucket_name, obj['Key'], obj['Key'])

Method 4: Using AWS DataSync

AWS DataSync is a managed data transfer service that simplifies and accelerates moving large amounts of data between on-premises storage and AWS storage services. To use AWS DataSync to download an entire S3 bucket, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up a DataSync Task

1.Log in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to the AWS DataSync service.
2.Click on "Create task" to create a new data transfer task.
3.Select "S3" as the source location and choose the S3 bucket you want to download from.
4.Select the destination location where you want to transfer the data, which could be another AWS storage service or an on-premises location.
5.Configure the transfer options, including how to handle file conflicts and transfer speed settings.
6.Review the task settings and click "Create task" to start the data transfer.

Method 5: Using AWS Transfer Family

AWS Transfer Family is a fully managed service that allows you to set up an SFTP, FTP, or FTPS server in AWS to enable secure file transfers to and from your S3 bucket. To download the files using AWS Transfer Family, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up an AWS Transfer Family Server

  1. Go to the AWS Transfer Family service in the AWS Management Console.
  2. Click on "Create server" to create a new server.
  3. Choose the protocol you want to use (SFTP, FTP, or FTPS) and configure the server settings.
  4. Select the IAM role that grants permissions to access the S3 bucket.
  5. Set up user accounts or use your existing IAM users for authentication.
  6. Review the server configuration and click "Create server" to set up the server.

Step 2: Download Files from the Server

Use an SFTP, FTP, or FTPS client to connect to the server using the server endpoint and login credentials.
Once connected, navigate to the S3 bucket on the server and download the files to your local machine.

Method 6: Using Third-Party Tools

There are various third-party tools available that support downloading S3 buckets. These tools often offer additional features and capabilities beyond the standard AWS options. Some popular third-party tools for S3 bucket downloads include:

Cyberduck: Cyberduck is a free and open-source SFTP, FTP, and cloud storage browser for macOS and Windows. It supports S3 bucket access and provides an intuitive interface for file transfers.

S3 Browser: S3 Browser is a freeware Windows client for managing AWS S3 buckets. It allows you to easily download files from S3 using a user-friendly interface.

Rclone: Rclone is a command-line program to manage cloud storage services, including AWS S3. It offers advanced features for syncing and copying data between different storage providers.

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Friday 17 July 2020

Aws Tutorial with important Key Points

 Hi, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform offered by that provides a wide range of services to help individuals and organizations with their computing needs.

AWS offers over 200 different services, including computing, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, security, networking, mobile development, Internet of Things (IoT), and more.

Some of the most popular services offered by AWS include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon Lambda, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and Amazon Route 53.

AWS can be used to host websites and applications, store and process large amounts of data, run machine learning and artificial intelligence models, and more. It is widely used by businesses of all sizes, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals who need access to scalable, reliable, and secure computing resources.

Read more »

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