Friday 8 May 2020

perl program to Merging Files into a Single File

This Perl script reads all the files with a given extension in the current directory and merges them into a single file. The merged file name can be passed as a command-line argument.

Method 1:Using file handles


my ($ext, $merged_file) = @ARGV;

my @files = glob "*.$ext";

open my $out_fh, '>', $merged_file or die "Couldn't open $merged_file: $!";

foreach my $file (@files) {

    open my $in_fh, '<', $file or warn "Couldn't open $file: $!";

    while (my $line = <$in_fh>) {

        print $out_fh $line;


    close $in_fh;


close $out_fh;

Save the script as and run it with perl txt merged.txt. This will merge all the files with the extension "txt" into a single file called "merged.txt".

Method 2: Using cat command

This method uses the cat command to concatenate multiple files into a single file.


use strict;

use warnings;

my ($output_file, @input_files) = @ARGV;

system("cat @input_files > $output_file");

Method 3: Using File::Slurp

This method uses the File::Slurp module to read each input file and append its contents to the output file.


use strict;

use warnings;

use File::Slurp;

my ($output_file, @input_files) = @ARGV;

my $output_contents = '';

foreach my $input_file (@input_files) {

    $output_contents .= read_file($input_file);


write_file($output_file, $output_contents);

Method 4: Using IO::All

This method uses the IO::All module to read each input file and append its contents to the output file.


use strict;

use warnings;

use IO::All;

my ($output_file, @input_files) = @ARGV;

my $output_contents = '';

foreach my $input_file (@input_files) {

    $output_contents .= io($input_file)->all;



Save the script as and run it with perl output_file.txt input_file1.txt input_file2.txt. This will create a file called output_file.txt that contains the contents of both input_file1.txt and input_file2.txt.

Method 5: Using File::MergeSort

This method uses the File::MergeSort module to merge sorted files into a single file.


use strict;

use warnings;

use File::MergeSort;

my ($output_file, @input_files) = @ARGV;

my $sorter = File::MergeSort->new();

$sorter->cmp(sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] });

foreach my $input_file (@input_files) {




Save the script as and run it with perl output_file.txt input_file1.txt input_file2.txt. This will create a file called output_file.txt that contains the contents of both input_file1.txt and input_file2.txt, sorted.

Method 6: Using Path::Tiny

This method uses the Path::Tiny module to read each input file and append its contents to the output file.


use strict;

use warnings;

use Path::Tiny;

my ($output_file, @input_files) = @ARGV;

my $output_contents = '';

foreach my $input_file (@input_files) {

    $output_contents .= path($input_file)->slurp;



Save the script as and run it with perl output_file.txt input_file1.txt input_file2.txt. This will create a file called output_file.txt that contains the contents of both input_file1.txt and input_file2.txt.

Method 7: Using File::Slurper

This method uses the File::Slurper module to read each input file and append its contents to the output file.


use strict;

use warnings;

use File::Slurper qw(read_text write_text);

my ($output_file, @input_files) = @ARGV;

my $output_contents = '';

foreach my $input_file (@input_files) {

    $output_contents .= read_text($input_file);


write_text($output_file, $output_contents);

Save the script as and run it with perl output_file.txt input_file1.txt input_file2.txt. This will create a file called output_file.txt that contains the contents of both input_file1.txt and input_file2.txt.

Method 8: Using File::ReadBackwards

This method uses the File::ReadBackwards module to read each input file backwards and append its contents to the output file.


use strict;

use warnings;

use File::ReadBackwards;

my ($output_file, @input_files) = @ARGV;

open(my $out_fh, '>', $output_file) or die "Can't open $output_file: $!";

foreach my $input_file (@input_files) {

    my $in_fh = File::ReadBackwards->new($input_file) or warn "Can't open $input_file: $!";

    while (defined(my $line = $in_fh->readline)) {

        print $out_fh $line;




Save the script as and run it with perl output_file.txt input_file1.txt input_file2.txt. This will create a file called output_file.txt that contains the contents of both input_file1.txt and input_file2.txt.
