Wednesday 21 December 2022

Top 10 programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence in 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a rapidly growing field in the world of computer science, and many programming languages are being used to develop AI applications. As we approach 2023, it's important to stay updated on the latest programming languages that are popular for AI development. In this article, we'll discuss the top 10 programming languages for Artificial Intelligence in 2023 and their benefits.

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Tuesday 30 November 2021

Top 10 python generators use cases

Generators are useful in a variety of situations where we need to produce a stream of values, rather than a fixed collection of values. Some common use cases of generators in Python include:

1.Processing large files: Generators can be used to process large files in a memory-efficient manner, by reading one line or block at a time and processing it, rather than reading the entire file into memory.

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Tuesday 2 March 2021

Top 10 Example of lsof commands in Linux and UNIX

In a Linux or UNIX operating system, there are many processes running simultaneously. These processes use files, sockets, and other resources that are managed by the operating system. To get information about these resources, we can use the "lsof" (list open files) command. Lsof is a powerful tool that can help us understand the system's state, monitor and debug applications, and troubleshoot issues. In this article, we will look at ten examples of using the lsof command in Linux and UNIX.

List all open files:

To list all the open files in the system, we can simply run the lsof command without any arguments. This will give us a comprehensive list of all the files and their corresponding processes.


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Monday 1 March 2021

Top 10 best Books to Learn Java for C and C++ Programmer?

 Java is a popular programming language that has been around for over two decades. It is widely used in the industry and is a favorite among developers due to its simplicity, portability, and versatility. C and C++ programmers who are interested in learning Java may find the transition to be relatively straightforward, as Java shares some similarities with C and C++.

To aid in the process of learning Java, there are many books available that cater specifically to the needs of C and C++ programmers. These books cover a wide range of topics, including Java syntax, object-oriented programming, data structures, network programming, performance optimization, and more. In this context, we have listed the top 10 books that are recommended for C and C++ programmers who are looking to learn Java.

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Monday 21 December 2020

Top 10 example of sort command in UNIX or Linux

Sorting is an essential task when working with data, especially large datasets. In Unix and Linux systems, the 'sort' command is used to sort files or data streams. In this blog article, we will explore ten examples of the 'sort' command that are frequently used in Unix and Linux systems.

Example 1: Sort a File Alphabetically

To sort a file alphabetically, you can use the following command:

sort file.txt

This command will sort the contents of 'file.txt' in alphabetical order and print the result on the console.

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Tuesday 21 April 2020

Top 10 example of using Vim or VI editor in UNIX and Linux

Vim or VI is a popular text editor used in UNIX and Linux systems. It is a powerful tool that allows users to edit and manipulate text files efficiently. In this article, we will discuss 10 examples of using Vim or VI editor in UNIX and Linux.

1. Opening a file

To open a file in Vim or VI editor, we can use the following command:

vim filename.txt

This command will open the file named filename.txt in Vim or VI editor.

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Thursday 12 March 2020

Top 10 Examples of scp command in Linux

The SCP (Secure Copy) command in Linux is used to securely transfer files between two hosts over a network. 

Here are the top 10 SCP commands with a brief explanation and code examples:

1.Copy a file from a local host to a remote host:

scp file.txt user@remotehost:/path/to/destination

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Wednesday 15 January 2020

top 10 examples of date command in Linux

The date command in Linux is used to display and set the system date and time. It is a powerful tool that can display the date and time in various formats, set the system date and time, and perform simple date calculations. 

Here are 10 examples of how the date command can be used in Linux:

Display the current date and time:

date Output: Thu Mar 24 13:25:36 EDT 2022

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Sunday 12 January 2020

Top 10 examples of grep command in UNIX and Linux

The grep command is a powerful tool for searching and filtering text files in UNIX and Linux systems. It allows users to search for a specific pattern in a file or a set of files and display the lines that match that pattern. This command is incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of tasks, including log analysis, system administration, and programming.

In this blog post, we'll explore 10 examples of the grep command in UNIX and Linux, with code examples to illustrate each use case. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of how to use this command and how it can help you in your day-to-day tasks.

Example 1: Basic Search

The most basic use case for the grep command is to search for a specific pattern in a file. To do this, simply enter the following command:

The most basic use case for the grep command is to search for a specific pattern in a file. To do this, simply enter the following command:

grep apple fruits.txt

For example, to search for the word "apple" in the file "fruits.txt", enter the following command:

This will display all lines in the file that contain the word "apple".

Example 2: Case-Insensitive Search

By default, the grep command is case-sensitive, which means that it will only match patterns that are identical in case to the search term. However, you can use the -i option to perform a case-insensitive search. For example:

grep -i apple fruits.txt

This will match lines that contain "apple", "Apple", or "APPLE".

Example 3: Search Multiple Files

You can also use the grep command to search multiple files at once. To do this, simply specify the filenames separated by spaces. For example:

grep apple fruits.txt vegetables.txt

This will search for the word "apple" in both the "fruits.txt" and "vegetables.txt" files.

Example 4: Search All Files in a Directory

To search all files in a directory, you can use the wildcard character "*". For example:

grep apple *

This will search for the word "apple" in all files in the current directory.

Example 5: Inverse Search

By default, the grep command displays all lines that match the search pattern. However, you can use the -v option to display all lines that do not match the pattern. For example:

grep -v apple fruits.txt

This will display all lines in the "fruits.txt" file that do not contain the word "apple".

Example 6: Search for Whole Words Only

By default, the grep command will match any occurrence of the search pattern, even if it's part of a larger word. For example, the search term "the" will match words like "there", "theme", and "other". To search for whole words only, use the -w option. For example:

grep -w the story.txt

This will only match the word "the", and not words that contain it as a substring.

Example 7: Recursive Search

If you want to search for a pattern in all files in a directory and its subdirectories, use the -r option. For example:

grep -r apple /home/user/documents

This will search for the word "apple" in all files in the "documents" directory and its subdirectories.

Example 8: Count Matches

If you just want to know how many times a pattern appears in a file, use the -c option. For example:

grep -c apple fruits.txt

Example 9:  Do not Matches

Search for lines that do not contain the word "example" in a file "file.txt"

grep -v "example" file.txt

Example 10: Exclude Matches in File

Search for a word "example" in all files except those with a ".txt" extension

grep "example" --exclude=*.txt *

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