Wednesday 8 April 2020

perl nagios tutorial

Nagios is a popular open-source monitoring system used to monitor hosts, services, and network devices. In Perl, you can use the Nagios::Plugin module to develop custom plugins to monitor various aspects of your system. Here's a basic tutorial on developing Nagios plugins in Perl:

1.Install Nagios::Plugin module: 

You can install the Nagios::Plugin module using the CPAN shell or your system's package manager.

2.Create a Perl script: 

Create a new Perl script and include the Nagios::Plugin module:


use Nagios::Plugin;

3.Define your plugin: 

Define your plugin using the Nagios::Plugin object:

my $plugin = Nagios::Plugin->new(

    usage => "Usage: %s [ -w <warning> ] [ -c <critical> ]",

    shortname => "Plugin Name",

    version => "1.0",


Here, the usage option defines the usage message that will be displayed when the plugin is executed with the -h or --help option. The shortname option sets the name of the plugin as it will appear in Nagios, and the version option sets the version number of the plugin.

4.Define your thresholds: 

Define your warning and critical thresholds:


    spec => 'warning|w=f',

    help => "-w, --warning=INTEGER:INTEGER",

    default => 80,



    spec => 'critical|c=f',

    help => "-c, --critical=INTEGER:INTEGER",

    default => 90,


Here, the add_arg method is used to define the warning and critical thresholds as command-line options. The spec option defines the name and type of the option, the help option defines the help message, and the default option sets the default value.

5. Check your data: 

Write the code to check the data you want to monitor:

my $data = `command to check data`;

if ($data > $plugin->opts->critical) {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Data is above critical threshold");

} elsif ($data > $plugin->opts->warning) {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(WARNING, "Data is above warning threshold");

} else {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(OK, "Data is below thresholds");


Here, the command to check data should be replaced with the command you want to use to check the data you want to monitor. The if statement checks whether the data is above the critical threshold, and if so, exits with a critical status and a message. The elsif statement checks whether the data is above the warning threshold, and if so, exits with a warning status and a message. Otherwise, the plugin exits with an OK status and a message.

6. Finish up: 

Finally, add the following line at the end of your script:

$plugin->nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unknown error occurred");

This line ensures that the plugin always exits with a status, even if an unknown error occurs.

7. Make your script executable: 

Make your script executable using the following command:

chmod +x

8. Test your plugin: 

Test your plugin by executing it with the -h or --help option to display the usage message, and with the -c or -w options to set the critical and warning thresholds.

9. Install your plugin: 

Copy your plugin to the Nagios plugins directory, typically /usr/lib/nagios/plugins`, and make sure it's executable.

10. Configure Nagios to use your plugin: 

Finally, configure Nagios to use your plugin by adding a new service definition to your Nagios configuration file. Here's an example of a service definition:

define service {

    use                 generic-service

    host_name           localhost

    service_description Plugin Name

    check_command -w 80 -c 90


Here, the use option sets the service template to use, the host_name option sets the host to monitor, the service_description option sets the name of the service, and the check_command option specifies the command to use to check the service.

That's it! Your custom Nagios plugin is now ready to monitor your system. You can create additional plugins for different aspects of your system by following the same steps above.

11. Customize plugin output: 

By default, the output of your Nagios plugin will be displayed in Nagios' web interface. You can customize the output of your plugin by using the add_perfdata method of the Nagios::Plugin object. This method allows you to add performance data to your plugin output, which can be used to create graphs and charts in Nagios' web interface. Here's an example of how to use the add_perfdata method:


    label => "data",

    value => $data,

    uom => "units",

    min => 0,

    max => 100,


Here, the label option sets the label for the performance data, the value option sets the value of the performance data, the uom option sets the units of measurement for the performance data, and the min and max options set the minimum and maximum values for the performance data.

12.Handle plugin options:

 You can also add additional command-line options to your plugin using the add_arg method. For example, you might want to add an option to specify the path to the command used to check the data. Here's an example of how to add a path option to your plugin:


    spec => 'path|p=s',

    help => "-p, --path=PATH",

    required => 1,


Here, the spec option sets the name and type of the option, the help option sets the help message, and the required option specifies that the option is required.

13.Handle plugin errors: 

If an error occurs in your plugin, you should exit with an appropriate status code and message. For example, if the command used to check the data fails, you might want to exit with an unknown status code and message. Here's an example of how to handle errors in your plugin:

my $data = `command to check data`;

if ($?) {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Error checking data: $!");


if ($data > $plugin->opts->critical) {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Data is above critical threshold");

} elsif ($data > $plugin->opts->warning) {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(WARNING, "Data is above warning threshold");

} else {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(OK, "Data is below thresholds");


Here, the $? variable contains the exit status of the command used to check the data, and the $! variable contains the error message if the command failed. If an error occurs, the plugin exits with an unknown status code and a message containing the error message.    

That's it! With these additional features, you can create more powerful and flexible Nagios plugins in Perl.

14.Test your plugin:

Before deploying your plugin to a production environment, it's a good idea to test it thoroughly to make sure it works as expected. You can use the prove utility to run your plugin's test suite. Here's an example of how to use prove to test your plugin:

prove -v pluginname.t

Here, pluginname.t is the name of the test script for your plugin.

15.Debug your plugin: 

If you encounter problems with your plugin, you can use the debug method of the Nagios::Plugin object to print debugging information to the console. Here's an example of how to use the debug method:

$plugin->debug("Debugging information");

This will print "Debugging information" to the console.

16.Distribute your plugin: 

Once you've created and tested your Nagios plugin, you can distribute it to other users or systems. You can distribute your plugin as a Perl module or as a standalone script. If you distribute your plugin as a module, other users can install it using the cpan utility. If you distribute your plugin as a standalone script, other users can download it and install it manually.

17.Stay up-to-date: 

Finally, it's important to stay up-to-date with Nagios and Perl to ensure that your plugins continue to work correctly. You should regularly check for updates to Nagios and Perl, and update your plugins as needed.

That's it! With these steps, you should now be able to create, test, and distribute your own Nagios plugins in Perl. Good luck!

18.Best practices: 

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating Nagios plugins in Perl:

Keep your code clean and maintainable: 

Use good coding practices such as modularization, commenting, and formatting to make your code easier to read and maintain.

Use descriptive variable names: 

Use descriptive variable names to make your code easier to understand and debug.

Use the Nagios::Plugin module: 

Use the Nagios::Plugin module to handle common tasks such as parsing command-line options and exiting with the appropriate status code.

Handle errors gracefully: 

Handle errors in your plugin gracefully by providing informative error messages and exiting with the appropriate status code.

Test your plugin thoroughly: 

Test your plugin thoroughly to make sure it works correctly and handles errors as expected.

Document your plugin: 

Provide documentation for your plugin to help other users understand how to use it.

Follow the Nagios plugin guidelines: 

Follow the guidelines outlined in the Nagios plugin development guidelines to ensure compatibility with Nagios and other monitoring tools.

By following these best practices, you can create high-quality, reliable Nagios plugins in Perl.

19.Additional resources:

Here are some additional resources you can use to learn more about creating Nagios plugins in Perl:

Nagios plugin development guidelines:

This document provides guidelines for developing Nagios plugins, including recommendations for plugin structure, error handling, and output formatting. You can find the guidelines at

Nagios::Plugin module documentation: 

The Nagios::Plugin module documentation provides detailed information on how to use the module to create Nagios plugins. You can find the documentation at

Perl programming language documentation:

The Perl programming language documentation provides detailed information on the Perl programming language, including syntax, data types, and built-in functions. You can find the documentation at

Nagios community forums: 

The Nagios community forums are a great place to ask questions and get help from other Nagios users and developers. You can find the forums at

By using these resources, you can become a skilled Nagios plugin developer in Perl and create powerful, custom monitoring solutions for your organization.

20.Example Nagios plugin in Perl: 

Here's an example Nagios plugin in Perl that checks the status of a website:


use strict;

use warnings;

use Nagios::Plugin;

# Set up the Nagios plugin object

my $plugin = Nagios::Plugin->new(

    usage => "Usage: %s -H <host>",

    shortname => "Check Website",

    blurb => "Check the status of a website",


# Add command-line options


    spec => "host|H=s",

    help => "-H, --host=HOSTNAME\n   The hostname of the website to check",

    required => 1,


# Parse command-line options


# Construct the URL to check

my $url = "http://$plugin->{opts}{host}";

# Check the URL

my $response = `curl -s -I $url`;

if ($response =~ /200 OK/) {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(OK, "Website is up");


else {

    $plugin->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Website is down");


This plugin uses the Nagios::Plugin module to handle command-line options and exit with the appropriate status code. It checks the status of a website by sending an HTTP request to the site and checking the response code. If the response code is "200 OK", the plugin exits with a status of OK and a message of "Website is up". Otherwise, it exits with a status of CRITICAL and a message of "Website is down".

This is just a simple example, but you can use the same principles to create more complex Nagios plugins in Perl to monitor a wide variety of services and systems.

21. Conclusion: 

Nagios is a powerful tool for monitoring systems and services, and Perl is a versatile programming language that can be used to create custom plugins for Nagios. By following best practices and using the Nagios::Plugin module, you can create reliable, effective plugins that provide valuable information about the status of your systems.

Remember to test your plugins thoroughly and document them well so that other users can understand how to use them. And don't forget to follow the Nagios plugin development guidelines to ensure compatibility with Nagios and other monitoring tools.

With these tips and resources, you can become a skilled Nagios plugin developer in Perl and create customized monitoring solutions that meet the specific needs of your organization.

22.Additional tips for Nagios plugin development in Perl:

Use a version control system: 

Using a version control system like Git can help you track changes to your plugin and collaborate with others on development.

Use a testing framework: 

Using a testing framework like Test::More can help you write tests to ensure your plugin works as expected.

Consider using a module builder: 

Using a module builder like Module::Starter or Module::Build can help you create a standard structure for your plugin and automate the build process.

Use the Nagios::Plugin::Threshold module for threshold checks: 

If you need to check values against threshold levels, consider using the Nagios::Plugin::Threshold module to simplify the process.

Be careful with dependencies: 

Keep in mind that Nagios plugins should be standalone and not rely on external libraries or modules that may not be installed on the Nagios server.

By following these additional tips, you can further enhance your Nagios plugin development process in Perl and create even more powerful and reliable monitoring solutions.

23.Debugging Nagios plugins in Perl: 

Debugging Nagios plugins in Perl can be challenging because the plugin is executed by the Nagios daemon, and any output from the plugin is sent back to the Nagios log files. Here are some tips for debugging Nagios plugins in Perl:

Use print statements: 

You can use print statements to output debug information to the Nagios log files. Be sure to use the correct Nagios plugin output format so that the output can be parsed correctly by Nagios.

Use the Nagios::Plugin::Debug module: 

The Nagios::Plugin::Debug module provides a convenient way to output debug information to the Nagios log files. You can use this module to output information about the plugin's command-line options, threshold levels, and other information.

Use the Nagios::Plugin::Functions module: 

The Nagios::Plugin::Functions module provides a set of functions that can be used to output plugin output in the correct Nagios format. These functions include ok(), warning(), critical(), and unknown().

Use the Nagios debugging options: 

Nagios provides several options for debugging plugins, including the -v and -vv options. The -v option provides verbose output for the plugin, while the -vv option provides even more detailed output.

By using these debugging techniques, you can more easily identify and resolve issues with your Nagios plugins in Perl.

24.Security considerations for Nagios plugins in Perl: 

When developing Nagios plugins in Perl, it's important to consider security, especially if the plugin interacts with sensitive systems or data.

Here are some tips for improving the security of Nagios plugins in Perl:

Use strict mode and taint checking: 

Use strict mode and taint checking to ensure that your code is secure and doesn't allow malicious input.

Use the Nagios::Plugin module: 

Use the Nagios::Plugin module to ensure that your plugin output is formatted correctly and to simplify handling of plugin command-line options.

Limit plugin privileges: 

Limit the privileges of your Nagios plugin to only those that are necessary to perform its intended function.

Use secure communication protocols: 

If your plugin communicates with external systems or databases, use secure communication protocols like HTTPS or SSH to encrypt data and prevent eavesdropping.

Protect sensitive data: 

If your plugin handles sensitive data like passwords or other authentication credentials, make sure that the data is protected and not exposed in the plugin output.

By following these security tips, you can create Nagios plugins in Perl that are secure and protect your systems and data from unauthorized access.



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