Tuesday 1 February 2022

Python Asyncio: Building High-Performance Web Apps with Asynchronous Programming

As the demand for web applications continues to grow, developers are constantly seeking ways to improve their performance and scalability. One approach to achieve this is through asynchronous programming, which allows applications to handle multiple tasks simultaneously without blocking the main thread. Python's asyncio library provides a powerful toolset for implementing asynchronous programming, and in this article, we will explore its features and how to leverage them to build high-performance web applications.

What is asyncio?

Asyncio is a Python library for asynchronous programming that was introduced in Python 3.4. It allows developers to write concurrent code in a simple and elegant way, without the complexity of traditional multi-threaded programming. Asyncio is built on top of coroutines, which are lightweight subroutines that can be suspended and resumed during their execution. This makes it possible to execute multiple tasks concurrently without blocking the main thread.

Asyncio provides a number of key features that make it a powerful tool for building high-performance web applications. These include:

Event loop: Asyncio provides a central event loop that manages all coroutines and ensures that they are executed in the correct order.

Coroutines: Asyncio provides a simple syntax for defining coroutines that can be executed concurrently.

Futures: Asyncio provides a way to represent the result of a coroutine that may not be available yet.

Tasks: Asyncio provides a way to schedule coroutines as tasks and manage their execution.

Streams: Asyncio provides a way to read and write data to and from sockets, files, and other sources in a non-blocking manner.

Protocols: Asyncio provides a framework for implementing network protocols using coroutines.

Let's explore each of these features in more detail.

Event loop

The event loop is the heart of the asyncio library. It is responsible for scheduling and executing coroutines in a cooperative manner. The event loop provides a single-threaded environment where coroutines can be executed in a non-blocking manner.

Here is an example of how to create an event loop in asyncio:

import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Your code goes here loop.run_until_complete(coro) loop.close()

In this example, we first create an event loop using the get_event_loop function. We then execute our code inside the event loop by calling run_until_complete with a coroutine as an argument. Finally, we close the event loop using the close method.


Coroutines are the building blocks of asyncio programming. They are functions that can be suspended and resumed during their execution. Coroutines are defined using the async def syntax. 

Here is an example:

async def my_coroutine(): print('Coroutine started') await asyncio.sleep(1) print('Coroutine resumed')

In this example, we define a coroutine named my_coroutine that prints a message, suspends its execution for one second using asyncio.sleep, and then prints another message.


A future is a placeholder for a value that may not be available yet. Futures are used to represent the result of a coroutine that is executing asynchronously. Futures can be created using the asyncio.Future class. 

Here is an example:

async def my_coroutine(): future = asyncio.Future() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.call_later(1, future.set_result, 'Hello, world!') result = await future print(result)

In this example, we create a future using the asyncio.Future class. We then schedule a callback function to set the result of the future to a string after one second using the call_later method. Finally, we await the future and print its result.

Tasks are a way to schedule and manage the execution of coroutines in asyncio. A task is created using the asyncio.create_task function. 

Here is an example:

async def my_coroutine(): print('Coroutine started') await asyncio.sleep(1) print('Coroutine resumed') async def main(): task = asyncio.create_task(my_coroutine()) print('Task created') await task print('Task completed') asyncio.run(main())

In this example, we create a task using the asyncio.create_task function and print a message to indicate that the task has been created. We then await the completion of the task using the await keyword and print another message to indicate that the task has completed.


Streams are a way to read and write data to and from sockets, files, and other sources in a non-blocking manner. In asyncio, streams are represented by the asyncio.StreamReader and asyncio.StreamWriter classes. 

Here is an example:

async def handle_client(reader, writer): data = await reader.read(1024) message = data.decode() print(f'Received message: {message}') writer.write(data) await writer.drain() writer.close() async def main(): server = await asyncio.start_server(handle_client, '', 8888) async with server: await server.serve_forever() asyncio.run(main())

In this example, we define a coroutine named handle_client that reads data from a client socket, prints a message, and writes the data back to the client. We then create a server using the asyncio.start_server function and pass it the handle_client coroutine as a callback. Finally, we start the server using the serve_forever method.


Protocols are a way to implement network protocols using coroutines in asyncio. A protocol is a class that defines methods to handle specific events such as connection, disconnection, and data received.

Here is an example:

class EchoProtocol(asyncio.Protocol): def connection_made(self, transport): self.transport = transport def data_received(self, data): message = data.decode() print(f'Received message: {message}') self.transport.write(data) def connection_lost(self, exc): print('Connection lost') async def main(): server = await asyncio.get_event_loop().create_server(EchoProtocol, '', 8888) async with server: await server.serve_forever() asyncio.run(main())

In this example, we define a protocol named EchoProtocol that echoes back any data it receives. We then create a server using the asyncio.create_server function and pass it the EchoProtocol class as a protocol factory. Finally, we start the server using the serve_forever method.

Additional Tips and Best Practices

When working with asyncio, there are some additional tips and best practices that you should keep in mind to ensure that your code is efficient, maintainable, and reliable.

Use async with for Resources: When working with resources that require clean-up or release, such as files or sockets, use async with to ensure that the resource is properly released when the coroutine finishes.

For example:

async def read_file(path): async with aiofiles.open(path) as f: contents = await f.read() return contents

Use asyncio.wait for Waiting on Multiple Coroutines: When waiting on multiple coroutines to complete, use the asyncio.wait function instead of asyncio.gather. asyncio.wait returns two sets of coroutines, one that completed successfully and one that threw an exception. This makes it easier to handle errors and exceptions. 

For example:

async def main(): coroutines = [coroutine1(), coroutine2(), coroutine3()] done, pending = await asyncio.wait(coroutines) for task in done: try: result = await task except Exception as e: print(f'Coroutine {task} failed with exception {e}')

Avoid Blocking I/O Calls: Avoid using blocking I/O calls within your coroutines. If you need to make a blocking call, use loop.run_in_executor to run the blocking call in a separate thread or process. 

For example:

def blocking_call(): time.sleep(1) return 'Done' async def my_coroutine(): result = await loop.run_in_executor(None, blocking_call) print(f'Result: {result}')

Use asyncio.run to Run the Event Loop: Use the asyncio.run function to run the event loop. This ensures that the event loop is properly initialized and cleaned up. 

For example:

async def main(): # do some stuff ... if __name__ == '__main__': asyncio.run(main())

Use asyncio.create_task Instead of loop.create_task: Use asyncio.create_task instead of loop.create_task. This ensures that the task is created within the context of the current event loop.

For example:

async def main(): task = asyncio.create_task(my_coroutine()) # do some stuff if __name__ == '__main__': asyncio.run(main())

In this article, we explored the basics of the asyncio library for asynchronous programming in Python. We looked at coroutines, futures, tasks, streams, and protocols, and saw how they can be used to build high-performance web applications. We also covered some additional tips and best practices for working with asyncio.

Asyncio is a powerful tool for building asynchronous applications, but it can also be complex and challenging to use effectively. By following the best practices and examples provided in this article, you can ensure that your asyncio code is efficient, maintainable, and reliable.

As always, keep learning and experimenting with different tools and techniques to find the best solutions for your specific needs.

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