Sunday, 29 March 2020

Linux User Management - Granting/Revoking sudo access

we will learn how to manage user accounts and grant or revoke sudo access on a Linux system. We will be using Ubuntu as our operating system for this project.


    • Ubuntu installed on a machine

    • Sudo access

    • Basic understanding of Linux commands

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Tuesday, 24 March 2020

How to run Multiple SQL Quiries with more than one Database Connections in Perl

Have you ever wanted to transfer data between two databases in Perl? If so, this blog post is for you! In this post, we'll discuss how you can use the 'INSERT INTO SELECT' statement in Perl to easily and quickly move data from one database to another. 

We'll also cover some tips and tricks for doing this correctly. So let's get started - read on to learn more about transferring data between two databases in Perl!

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Saturday, 21 March 2020

Best Practices for Managing Python Dependencies and Structuring Your Code

As for structuring the python code, there are several ways to achieve this. Here's one approach that you can use:

  • Define a separate module for each class or group of related classes. This will help you organize your code and make it easier to maintain.
  • Use docstrings to provide clear and concise documentation for each module, class, and method. This will make it easier for other developers to understand your code and use it in their own projects.
  • Define a main function or class that will serve as the entry point for your code. This will make it easier to test your code and run it from the command line.
  • Use command line arguments or configuration files to allow users to customize the behavior of your code. This will make it more flexible and adaptable to different use cases.
  • Use virtual environments to manage your dependencies and ensure that your code works with the specific versions of the packages you need.
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Thursday, 12 March 2020

@Override annotation in Java? Best practices

Hi, Today we will see @Override annotation in Java is used to indicate that a method in a subclass is intended to override a method in its superclass. Using this annotation is a coding best practice because it helps to catch errors early in the development process by ensuring that the overridden method has the correct method signature, including the method name, return type, and parameter types.

Here is an example:

Suppose we have a superclass Animal with a method makeSound(), and we want to create a subclass Cat that overrides this method to make a different sound. We can define the Cat class like this:

public class Cat extends Animal {


    public void makeSound() {




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Top 10 Examples of scp command in Linux

The SCP (Secure Copy) command in Linux is used to securely transfer files between two hosts over a network. 

Here are the top 10 SCP commands with a brief explanation and code examples:

1.Copy a file from a local host to a remote host:

scp file.txt user@remotehost:/path/to/destination

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Sunday, 8 March 2020

Perl - Backtick Tutorial

backticks are used to execute shell commands and capture the output. The general syntax for using backticks in Perl is:

$output = `command`;

Here, the command is enclosed in backticks, and the output is captured into the variable $output.

For example, if you want to capture the output of the ls command, you can use:

$files = `ls`;

The variable $files will now contain the output of the ls command.

You can also use variables in the command that is enclosed in backticks:

$dir = "/path/to/directory";

$files = `ls $dir`;

Here, the value of the $dir variable is used in the ls command.

Backticks can also be used in combination with other Perl functions to process the output. For example, you can split the output into an array:

$files = `ls`;

@file_list = split(/\n/, $files);

Here, the split function is used to split the output of the ls command into an array, with each element containing a file name.

Backticks can also be used in conditional statements. For example, you can check if a file exists using the test command:

$file = "myfile.txt";

if (`test -e $file`) {

    print "$file exists\n";

} else {

    print "$file does not exist\n";


Here, the test command is enclosed in backticks and used in the conditional statement to check if the file exists.

It's important to note that using backticks to execute shell commands can be a security risk if the input is not properly sanitized. Make sure to validate and sanitize any user input before using it in a shell command.


Saturday, 7 March 2020

Understanding On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: What's the Difference?

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), there are two primary categories that help determine your website's search engine ranking: on-page and off-page SEO. Understanding the difference between these two categories is crucial for creating an effective SEO strategy. In this blog post, we'll explore on-page vs. off-page SEO and provide tips on how to optimize each category for improved search engine rankings.

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Thursday, 5 March 2020

solaris command to show long argument of running process - Examples

In Unix-based operating systems like Solaris, each running process has a set of arguments that are passed to it when it is started. These arguments can include both short and long options, as well as values for those options.

The pargs command in Solaris is used to display the arguments of a running process. By default, it displays the short arguments of the process, but with the -l option, it can be used to display the long arguments as well.

This can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging, as it allows you to see exactly how a process was started and what options and values were passed to it. It can also be used to verify that a process is running with the correct options and values.

In Solaris, you can use the pargs command to display the arguments passed to a running process. The pargs command prints the complete argument list for a process, including the command name and any arguments passed to it.

Here's an example of how to use the pargs command:

First, find the process ID (PID) of the running process whose arguments you want to view using the ps command. For example, to find the PID of a process named myprocess, run:

$ ps -ef | grep myprocess

This will show a list of all processes that match the name myprocess, along with their PIDs.

Once you have the PID of the process, use the pargs command to view its arguments. For example, to view the arguments of a process with PID 1234, run:

$ pargs 1234

This will print the complete argument list for the process, including the command name and any arguments passed to it.

$ pargs 1234 /bin/bash /path/to/ arg1 arg2 arg3

In this example, the pargs command shows that the process with PID 1234 was started with the command /bin/bash and the arguments /path/to/, arg1, arg2, and arg3.

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Monday, 2 March 2020

Linux User Management - Locking/Unlocking user accounts

we will cover the topic of locking and unlocking user accounts in Linux. Locking a user account prevents the user from logging in, while unlocking it allows the user to log in again. This can be useful in situations where a user account has been compromised or is no longer needed.

We will provide code examples for locking and unlocking user accounts, and also discuss how to set up a testing environment on Ubuntu and test the code examples provided.

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