Thursday, 31 December 2020

Lucky alive person in a circle sword puzzle - Python Datastructures Algorithm

Hi,The program I provided is an implementation of the famous Josephus problem, which is a theoretical problem named after the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius. The problem involves a circle of people numbered from 1 to n, and a count to skip, k. Starting from person 1, every k-th person is eliminated, and the process continues until only one person is left, who is declared the winner.

The program I provided implements a solution to this problem in Python. It uses a list to represent the circle of people, and iteratively removes people from the list until only one person is left. The program uses the modulo operator to ensure that the index of the person to remove wraps around to the beginning of the list if it goes past the end.

The program prompts the user to input the number of people in the circle and the count to skip, and then outputs the number of the lucky alive person who wins the game. This program can be used to play the Josephus game for any number of people and count to skip

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Monday, 21 December 2020

Top 10 example of sort command in UNIX or Linux

Sorting is an essential task when working with data, especially large datasets. In Unix and Linux systems, the 'sort' command is used to sort files or data streams. In this blog article, we will explore ten examples of the 'sort' command that are frequently used in Unix and Linux systems.

Example 1: Sort a File Alphabetically

To sort a file alphabetically, you can use the following command:

sort file.txt

This command will sort the contents of 'file.txt' in alphabetical order and print the result on the console.

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Sunday, 13 December 2020

Finding IP address from hostname in UNIX and Linux

In Unix and Linux operating systems, it is often necessary to find the IP address associated with a hostname. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as troubleshooting network connectivity issues, configuring network services, or performing security audits. There are several commands available in Unix and Linux that can be used to find the IP address of a hostname, including nslookup, dig, and host. These commands query the DNS server to retrieve the IP address associated with a given hostname. In this way, they help to resolve human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. In this context, we will explore some examples of how to find the IP address of a hostname in Unix and Linux

In Unix and Linux operating systems, there are several ways to find the IP address of a hostname. Some of the most common methods are:

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Friday, 11 December 2020

Perl - securing web services using OAuth 2.0

Hi, This program is a simple OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization implementation using the Mojolicious web framework in Perl. It allows a user to log in and authorize a client application to access protected resources.

The program defines the necessary endpoints for authentication and authorization using the get method from the Mojolicious::Lite module. The $auth_endpoint and $token_endpoint variables define the authentication and token endpoints for the OAuth 2.0 provider. The $client_id, $client_secret, $redirect_uri, and $scope variables define the client credentials and scope for the OAuth 2.0 client.

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Thursday, 10 December 2020

Perl - securing web services using SSL/TLS encryption

 Hi, Tooday program is a Mojolicious application written in Perl, which demonstrates how to use SSL/TLS encryption for secure communication and authentication/authorization for API endpoints. The program listens on port 443 using SSL/TLS encryption, and provides a login endpoint that checks if the given username and password are correct. If the login is successful, the program returns a JSON response indicating success.

The program also includes an authorization middleware that checks if the client certificate is provided for API endpoints. If the client certificate is not provided, the program returns a JSON response indicating that the access is forbidden. Finally, the program provides an example API endpoint that returns some example data as a JSON response.

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Wednesday, 9 December 2020

securing Perl web services using token-based authentication and authorization

Hi, Today program is a simple authentication and authorization example using Mojolicious, a lightweight web framework for Perl. The program sets up a login route for users to authenticate with a username and password. If the credentials are correct, the server generates a token by concatenating the server's secret key and the current time. The token is then stored in a session and returned to the user. The token is later used to authorize access to protected routes under '/api'. When a user tries to access the example route, the server checks if the token stored in the session matches the token generated earlier. If the tokens match, the user is authorized to access the resource, and the server returns the example data in JSON format. If the tokens don't match, the server returns an error message and a 403 Forbidden status code.

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