Wednesday 1 November 2023

how to spend $0 to master new skills in 2023!

Are you tired of spending money on expensive courses and tutorials, only to find that they don't deliver on their promises? Do you want to learn new skills without breaking the bank? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the best free resources for learning popular programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

1. HTML -

Start your journey to becoming a web development expert with W3Schools' comprehensive guide to HTML. Learn the basics of web development, including tags, attributes, and semantic markup. With W3Schools' interactive examples and clear explanations, you'll be building websites like a pro in no time.

2. CSS -

Take your website to the next level with CSS-Tricks' extensive tutorial series. Learn how to style pages, use responsive design, and create animations and transitions. With CSS-Tricks' helpful videos and articles, you'll be able to create beautiful and functional websites in no time.

3. JavaScript -

Unlock the secrets of JavaScript with LearnJavaScript's intuitive online course. Start with the basics and progress to advanced topics like object-oriented programming and asynchronous coding. With LearnJavaScript's interactive exercises and real-world examples, you'll be a JavaScript master in no time.

4. React -

React is a powerful library for building dynamic user interfaces, and now you can learn it for free with React-Tutorial's comprehensive guide. Covering topics like component lifecycles, state management, and event handling, this tutorial will turn you into a React pro in no time.

5. Tailwind -

Tailwind is the hottest new framework for building fast, scalable websites. Scrimba's Tailwind tutorial will teach you everything you need to know, from setup to deployment. With Scrimba's interactive coding environment, you'll be able to practice as you learn and build your own Tailwind project from scratch.

6. Vue -

Vue is another popular framework for building modern web applications. Vueschool's free tutorial series will take you from beginner to expert in no time. Learn the basics of Vue, including templates, components, and state management, and then dive deeper into advanced topics like Vuex and Vue Router.

7. Python -

Python is a versatile programming language used in everything from data analysis to artificial intelligence. PythonTutorial's comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know, from basic syntax to advanced topics like file I/O and regular expressions. With PythonTutorial's interactive exercises and real-world examples, you'll be a Python master in no time.

8. SQL -

SQL is the language of databases, and MySqlTutorial's comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know. Learn how to interact with databases, perform queries, and optimize your database performance. With MySqlTutorial's clear explanations and interactive examples, you'll be a SQL pro in no time.

9. Git -

Git is the version control system of choice for many developers, and Atlassian's comprehensive tutorial series will teach you everything you need to know. Learn how to set up a Git repository, make changes, and collaborate with others. With Atlassian's interactive exercises and real-world examples, you'll be a Git master in no time.

There you have it - nine free resources for learning the skills you need to succeed in tech. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to brush up on your skills or a total beginner looking to start your journey, these resources have got you covered. Bookmark them today and start learning for free!



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