Sunday 24 March 2024

The Essential 70 Linux Commands for DevOps

In the world of DevOps, efficiency and automation are kings. This is where Linux, with its vast array of command-line tools, shines. The command line is a powerful ally, providing direct control over the operating system and the machinery that runs your applications. Here, we introduce the top 70 Linux commands that are indispensable for DevOps engineers and system administrators. These commands form the backbone of many automated tasks, troubleshooting, and daily management of systems.

File and Directory Operations

  1. ls: Unveil the contents of directories.
  2. cd: Navigate through directories.
  3. pwd: Display the current directory.
  4. mkdir: Forge new directories.
  5. touch: Create files without content.
  6. cp: Duplicate files or directories.
  7. mv: Relocate or rename files/directories.
  8. rm: Eliminate files or directories.
  9. find: Seek out files or directories.
  10. grep: Filter patterns within files.

Viewing and Manipulating Text

  1. cat: Merge and show file content.
  2. less: Read files in a paginated view.
  3. head: Peek at the beginning of files.
  4. tail: Inspect the end of files.
  5. vi/vim: Dive into text editing.
  6. nano: Simplify text editing.

File Compression and Archiving

  1. tar: Bundle files into archives.
  2. gzip: Compress files.
  3. gunzip: Decompress files.

Network Operations

  1. wget: Fetch files from the web.
  2. curl: Transfer data from or to a server.
  3. ssh: Securely connect to remote machines.
  4. scp: Copy files between hosts securely.

Permissions and Ownership

  1. chmod: Modify file permissions.
  2. chown: Change file ownership.
  3. chgrp: Adjust group ownership.

Process Management

  1. ps: List active processes.
  2. top: Monitor system resources in real-time.
  3. kill: Terminate processes.

Disk Usage and Analysis

  1. df: Show disk space usage.
  2. du: Estimate file and directory space.

System Information and Performance

  1. free: Display memory usage.
  2. uname: Output system information.
  3. ifconfig: Configure network interfaces.
  4. ping: Test the reachability of a host.
  5. netstat: Show network statistics.
  6. iptables: Manage firewall rules.
  7. systemctl: Control system services.
  8. journalctl: Examine system logs.
  9. crontab: Schedule repetitive tasks.

User and Group Management

  1. useradd: Create new user accounts.
  2. passwd: Change passwords.
  3. su: Switch between users.
  4. sudo: Execute commands with superuser privileges.
  5. usermod: Modify user accounts.
  6. groupadd: Establish new groups.
  7. groupmod: Modify group details.
  8. id: Display user/group information.

Security and Encryption

  1. ssh-keygen: Generate SSH keys.
  2. rsync: Sync files between systems securely.

File Comparison and Patching

  1. diff: Compare files line by line.
  2. patch: Apply changes to files.

Advanced Text Processing

  1. sed: Edit text in a stream.
  2. awk: Program for data extraction.
  3. sort: Arrange lines in text files.
  4. cut: Trim sections from lines.
  5. wc: Count words, lines, and characters.
  6. tee: Output to multiple files/commands.
  7. history: Review command history.
  8. source: Execute file commands in the current shell.
  9. alias: Create shortcuts for commands.
  10. ln: Link files.
  11. lsof: List open files.

System and Disk Management

  1. mkfs: Format filesystems.
  2. mount/umount: Mount or dismount filesystems.
  3. ssh-agent: Manage SSH keys.

Networking and Analysis

  1. nc: Networking utility.
  2. whois: Domain information lookup.
  3. dig: DNS lookup.

Enhancements and Utilities

  1. screen: Manage multiple terminal sessions.

By mastering these commands, DevOps professionals can harness the full potential of Linux to automate and streamline operations, troubleshoot and resolve issues swiftly, and manage systems with unparalleled efficiency. Each command, from file manipulation to system monitoring, plays a vital role in the daily life of a DevOps engineer, making this list an essential toolkit for the trade.



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