Monday 25 March 2024

Ultimate Collection of DevOps and Cloud Resources for Aspiring Engineers


In the fast-paced world of software development and operations, the right set of tools and knowledge can be the difference between thriving and just surviving. For those eager to dive into the world of DevOps or looking to sharpen their cloud engineering skills, the internet is a treasure trove of resources. Among these, GitHub stands out as a gold mine of repositories brimming with projects, guides, and tools meticulously curated for learning and professional growth. This post highlights some of the most useful DevOps and Cloud GitHub repositories that are a must-visit for anyone aspiring to become a proficient DevOps engineer.

1. DevOps Realtime Projects (Beginner to Experienced)

Embark on your DevOps journey with a hands-on approach through DevOps Realtime Projects. This repository offers a wide range of projects catering to different skill levels, from beginners to experienced professionals. It’s a perfect way to get your hands dirty by applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

2. Into The DevOps of Every tool

Dive deep Into The DevOps of every tool you’ll need in your arsenal. This comprehensive guide covers various tools essential for DevOps workflows, helping you understand each tool’s role and how to leverage them effectively.

3. DevOps Setup-Installations Guides

Setting up your DevOps environment can be daunting. The DevOps Setup-Installations Guides repository simplifies this process with step-by-step installation guides for a myriad of DevOps tools and platforms.

4. Roadmap to learn Kubernetes so easy

Kubernetes has become a cornerstone of cloud-native development. This Kubernetes learning path provides a structured roadmap to master Kubernetes, making it accessible even for beginners.

5. List of Best DevOps Tools with Detailed

Choosing the right tools is crucial for an effective DevOps strategy. This repository offers a List of Best DevOps Tools with detailed descriptions, helping you make informed decisions about the tools that best fit your needs.

6. End to End CI/CD Pipeline Deployment on AWS EKS

Learn how to set up a complete CI/CD pipeline using AWS EKS through this hands-on guide. The End to End CI/CD Pipeline Deployment repository is a comprehensive resource for deploying applications on AWS with GitHub Actions.

7. Becoming a Kubernetes Administrator Learning path

Aim for excellence with the Kubernetes Administrator Learning path. This repository provides resources and guides to prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam, a significant milestone for any DevOps professional.

8. Azure All-in-one Guide

The Azure All-in-one Guide is a one-stop resource for mastering Azure. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, this guide covers everything from the basics to advanced topics.

9. Terraform: Deploy an EKS Cluster-Like a Boss!

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has revolutionized the way we manage infrastructure. Learn how to deploy an EKS cluster using Terraform with this practical guide, Terraform: Deploy an EKS Cluster-Like a Boss!.

10. All In one Bundle of Kubernetes

Get access to a comprehensive collection of Kubernetes resources in the All In one Bundle of Kubernetes. This repository is a treasure trove for anyone looking to deepen their Kubernetes knowledge.

11. Kubernetes Dashboard with integrated Health checks

The Kubernetes Dashboard with integrated Health checks repository enhances your Kubernetes management experience by integrating health checks into the dashboard, offering a more intuitive way to monitor and manage your clusters.

12. AWS Billing Alert terraform module

Stay on top of your AWS costs with the AWS Billing Alert terraform module. This Terraform module helps you set up billing alerts, ensuring you never face unexpected charges.



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