Wednesday 31 July 2024

Mastering Multi-File Workflow in Vim

Vim, a powerful text editor beloved by developers, offers a multitude of features to enhance your workflow. If you’re working with multiple files—whether you’re writing scripts, coding, or editing text—knowing how to navigate and manage those files efficiently in Vim can significantly improve your productivity. In this blog post, we’ll explore various methods to handle multiple files in Vim as of 2024.

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Tuesday 30 July 2024

Understanding Java: Pass-by-Value vs. Pass-by-Reference

The debate about whether Java is pass-by-value or pass-by-reference has persisted for years, often causing confusion among developers. Despite the clarity offered by the Java documentation, the terminology used in discussions around this topic can lead to misconceptions. In this blog post, we will clarify these concepts using practical code examples to illustrate how Java handles method parameters.

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Monday 29 July 2024

How to Check if a Directory Exists in a Bash Shell Script

When working with Bash shell scripts, one common task is checking if a specific directory exists. This can be crucial for ensuring that scripts do not fail due to missing directories. Below, we’ll explore various methods to check for the existence of a directory, complete with updated code examples for 2024.

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Sunday 28 July 2024

Automatically Creating a requirements.txt File in Python

When working on Python projects, managing dependencies can sometimes be a challenge, especially if you download code from platforms like GitHub that don’t come with a requirements.txt file. Fortunately, there are several tools and methods to automate the creation of a requirements.txt file, which lists all the libraries and their versions needed to run your project. This guide will provide you with multiple approaches using both pip and pip3, and will cover different scenarios to suit your specific needs.

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Saturday 27 July 2024

Exploring the Latest Functionalities in Python: A 2024 Overview

Python continues to be one of the most popular programming languages, renowned for its simplicity and versatility. As we move into 2024, the language has introduced several exciting features that enhance its functionality and usability. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the latest additions to Python, including structural pattern matching, type hinting improvements, and enhancements in standard libraries.

1. Structural Pattern Matching

Introduced in Python 3.10, structural pattern matching has been refined and expanded in the latest versions. This powerful feature allows developers to match complex data structures using a concise syntax, making code more readable and easier to maintain.

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Friday 26 July 2024

Integrating Bash Functions into Perl Scripts

Often in development, there is a need to leverage existing bash functions within Perl scripts to utilize shell capabilities or to integrate with system-level operations seamlessly. This post explores how Perl can interact with bash, allowing you to call bash functions directly from within your Perl code, complete with examples of different methods to achieve this integration.

The Challenge

Consider a simple scenario where you have defined a bash function that you wish to invoke from a Perl script:

function fun1() { echo "abc"; }

Attempting to call this function directly from Perl using a simple execution like perl -e 'fun1' won’t work because Perl does not inherently recognize bash functions.

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Thursday 25 July 2024

Troubleshooting Perl PPM Connection Errors: A Practical Guide

When working with Perl’s Package Manager (PPM), encountering connection issues can be frustrating, especially when the error message reads “failed 500 Can’t connect to (connect: timeout).” This post explores practical solutions to this common problem, providing clear steps and alternative methods to ensure successful module installations.

Understanding the Problem

The error typically indicates a problem reaching the ActiveState server, which could be due to network issues, server downtime, or configuration errors in your Perl environment. The error may look like this:

failed 500 Can't connect to (connect: timeout)
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Wednesday 24 July 2024

Mastering Variable Names with Perl’s Data::Dumper

Debugging in Perl can often involve delving into complex data structures, making readability of the output a crucial factor. The default behavior of Data::Dumper to generate generic variable names like $VAR1, $VAR2, etc., can be unhelpful for more intricate debugging or when aiming to produce easily reusable code snippets. This blog explores several approaches to customize Data::Dumper output, each illustrated with unique code examples to demonstrate their practical applications.

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Tuesday 23 July 2024

Perl 5 vs. Raku (Perl 6): A Head-to-Head Comparison for Modern Programmers

Perl has been a cornerstone in the programming community for decades, with Perl 5 establishing itself as a versatile and powerful language. Its successor, Raku (formerly Perl 6), introduced as a part of the language’s evolution, offers modernized features and a different perspective on coding paradigms. This blog post provides a comprehensive comparison between Perl 5 and Raku, helping programmers understand the fundamental differences and make informed decisions about which language to use for their projects.

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Monday 22 July 2024

Introduction to Raku: The Evolution of Perl 6

In the world of programming, languages evolve, communities shift, and sometimes, a new identity is born from the seeds of the old. Such is the case with Raku, formerly known as Perl 6. This blog post delves into the reasons behind the rebranding of Perl 6 to Raku, exploring the historical context, the implications for the programming community, and what this means for developers who use these languages.

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Sunday 21 July 2024

How to Concatenate Multiple DataFrames with the Same Indexes and Columns in Pandas


When working with data in Python, Pandas is a powerful tool for data manipulation. One common task is to concatenate multiple DataFrames that share the same structure. This blog post will guide you through the process of concatenating three DataFrames while maintaining their indexes and columns, specifically focusing on achieving a multi-index table where values are presented row by row.


Suppose you have three DataFrames with the same columns and indexes, and you need to concatenate them such that the data from each DataFrame is identifiable and aligned row by row under each index.

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Saturday 20 July 2024

Understanding Python Itertools Permutations with Practical Examples

When working with permutations in Python, especially using the itertools module, understanding the behavior of iterators is crucial to avoiding common pitfalls. This blog post dives into the nuances of using itertools.permutations and explains why certain behaviors occur when you use iterators differently in your code.

The Basics of itertools.permutations

Python’s itertools.permutations function is a powerful tool for generating all possible orderings of an input sequence. It returns an iterator, which generates the permutations lazily, meaning it produces them one-by-one as you iterate over them, rather than all at once. This is efficient because it saves memory, but it also means each permutation can only be read once.

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Friday 19 July 2024

Developing an Asset Tracking System in ServiceNow

Asset management is a critical component of IT operations, ensuring that an organization’s assets are accounted for, deployed, maintained, and disposed of when necessary. ServiceNow offers robust capabilities for managing these assets. In this post, we’ll walk through how to develop a custom asset tracking system on ServiceNow to help streamline the asset management process.


Our goal is to create a custom application on ServiceNow that automates asset tracking, from procurement to disposal, and provides real-time visibility into asset status and location.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Environment

First, ensure you have access to a ServiceNow developer instance. You can obtain a free developer instance from the ServiceNow Developer Program, which includes all the tools and resources needed for building applications.

Step 2: Creating the Asset Tracking Application

  1. Launch ServiceNow Studio: Access the Studio from your ServiceNow dashboard by typing ‘Studio’ in the left-hand filter navigator.

  2. Create a New Application:

    • Click on ‘Create Application’.
    • Fill in the application details:
      • Name: Advanced Asset Tracking
      • Description: Automate and manage your asset tracking efficiently.
      • Application Scope: Ensure to specify a new scope for this application.

Step 3: Designing the Database Structure

  1. Create Tables:

    • Define a new table named Asset Register.
    • Add relevant fields such as Asset ID, Asset Type, Purchase Date, Status, Current User, and Location.
  2. Set Up Relationships:

    • Establish relationships between Asset Register and other existing ServiceNow tables like User table to link assets to current users or departments.

Step 4: Implementing Business Logic

  1. Business Rules:
    • Create a business rule to automatically update the Status field when an asset is checked out or checked in.
    • Script Example:
      (function executeRule(current, previous) {
          // This rule triggers when the 'Location' field changes
          if (current.Location != previous.Location) {
              if (current.Location == 'Storage') {
                  current.Status = 'In Stock';
              } else {
                  current.Status = 'Checked Out';
              gs.addInfoMessage('Asset status updated to ' + current.Status);

Step 5: Workflow Automation

  1. Create Workflows:
    • Develop a workflow to automate notifications when an asset’s status changes, such as when it is due for maintenance or replacement.
    • Use the workflow editor to drag and drop workflow elements like notifications, approvals, and conditions.

Step 6: User Interface and User Experience

  1. Customize Forms and Views:
    • Design user-friendly forms for asset entry and updates.
    • Customize views for different users, like IT staff and department heads, to provide relevant information tailored to their needs.

Step 7: Testing and Quality Assurance

  1. Conduct Thorough Testing:
    • Test all aspects of the application, including form submissions, workflow triggers, and business rules.
    • Ensure that notifications are sent correctly and that data integrity is maintained.

Step 8: Deployment and Training

  1. Deploy Your Application:

    • Move the application from development to the production environment.
    • Ensure all configurations and customizations are correctly transferred.
  2. Train End Users:

    • Organize training sessions for different user groups to ensure they are familiar with how to use the new system effectively.

By following these steps, you can develop a comprehensive asset tracking system within ServiceNow that not only enhances the efficiency of asset management processes but also improves visibility and control over organizational assets. This custom application will help ensure that assets are utilized optimally, reducing the total cost of ownership and supporting better investment decisions.


Thursday 18 July 2024

The Performance Analytics API: A Gateway to Deeper Insights

The Performance Analytics (PA) API provides a structured interface to access, manipulate, and extract data from ServiceNow’s performance analytics engine. While the user interface presents a visual representation of key metrics, the API enables developers and data scientists to tailor data extraction and analysis to specific business needs.

Key Capabilities and Use Cases

  • Data Retrieval: The API allows fetching data from PA indicators, breakdowns, and scores, enabling detailed analysis and trend identification.
// Example: Retrieve scores for a specific indicator over time
var pa = new PerformanceAnalytics();
var scores = pa.getScores('sys_id_of_indicator');
  • Custom Visualization: Combine PA data with other sources to create tailored visualizations that resonate with your stakeholders.

  • Automated Reporting: Automate the generation of reports on-demand or schedule them for regular delivery, eliminating manual effort and ensuring timely insights.

  • Data Integration: Seamlessly integrate PA data with external systems like data warehouses or business intelligence platforms for comprehensive analysis.

  • Alerting and Threshold Monitoring: Configure alerts and set thresholds based on specific performance metrics to enable proactive issue resolution.

Real-World Applications of the PA API

  • Predictive Analytics: Use historical performance data to forecast future trends, identify potential bottlenecks, and optimize resource allocation.

  • Custom KPIs and Dashboards: Design bespoke key performance indicators (KPIs) and dashboards that align precisely with your organization’s strategic goals.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Empower decision-makers with accurate, real-time data to drive informed actions and improve operational efficiency.

  • Continuous Improvement: Identify areas for improvement, track progress over time, and measure the impact of initiatives on performance metrics.

Technical Considerations

  • Authentication: Secure API access using appropriate authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth 2.0 or Basic Authentication.

  • Data Formats: The PA API typically supports JSON or XML formats for data exchange.

  • Rate Limiting: Adhere to ServiceNow’s API usage guidelines to ensure optimal performance and avoid disruptions.

  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to address potential failures and ensure the reliability of your integrations.

Empowering Data-Driven Excellence

By mastering the Performance Analytics API, you unlock the ability to:

  • Tailor: Customize your analytics experience to meet your unique requirements.
  • Automate: Streamline reporting and data processing tasks, freeing up valuable resources.
  • Integrate: Unify data from disparate sources to gain a holistic view of your organization’s performance.
  • Innovate: Explore new ways to leverage data for competitive advantage and continuous improvement.

In the dynamic landscape of data analytics, the Performance Analytics API serves as a potent tool for extracting actionable insights and driving data-driven decision-making within the ServiceNow platform. Embracing its capabilities can help your organization achieve operational excellence and fully leverage your data resources.


Wednesday 17 July 2024

Streamlining Disk Space Usage with a Smart Bash Script

When managing server resources, particularly disk space, it’s essential to optimize how space is utilized. An efficient way to identify heavy usage is by finding subfolders that consume a significant amount of disk space. Let’s dive into creating a more effective Bash script that not only identifies these subfolders but also respects a given size threshold, minimizing redundant output in the process.

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Tuesday 16 July 2024

Crafting an Interactive Real-Time Countdown with User Input in Bash

 In this post, we explore a practical application of Bash scripting for creating an interactive real-time countdown that also incorporates user input. The idea is to present a series of questions from a file with a countdown for each, prompting the user to respond within a specified time limit. This script can be useful for quiz applications or timed tests.

Problem Statement

The task is to display a countdown timer alongside questions from a text file (QuestionBank.txt). The user has a fixed amount of time to answer each question before the script automatically proceeds to the next one. The challenge lies in managing the timer and user input simultaneously without cluttering the terminal output.

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Monday 15 July 2024

Optimizing Kubernetes Workloads for Maximum Efficiency: A Guide to Resource Management

In the dynamic world of container orchestration, Kubernetes stands out as a robust framework for managing complex applications. However, the power of Kubernetes also brings the challenge of ensuring efficient resource usage. This is crucial not only for performance but also for cost management and system stability. In this post, we’ll delve into the importance of properly configuring resource requests and limits to optimize your Kubernetes workloads.

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Sunday 14 July 2024

Mastering Azure on a Budget: Free and Low-Cost Methods to Enhance Your Skills


Microsoft Azure, one of the leading cloud platforms, offers a plethora of services and tools that are crucial for developers, IT professionals, and businesses. However, the cost of cloud services can be a barrier for many. Fortunately, there are several ways to gain practical experience with Azure without breaking the bank. Here’s a guide to accessing Azure for free or at a minimal cost, along with some additional tips and ethical considerations.

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Saturday 13 July 2024

Fine-Tuning Python Code Formatting: Ignoring Django Migrations in pyproject.toml

When setting up code formatters like Black in a Django project, you might encounter an issue where the formatter attempts to reformat migration files. These files, being automatically generated, usually don’t require formatting and can cause unnecessary noise in commit diffs. Here, we explore various approaches to exclude Django migration files from Black’s formatting rules in the pyproject.toml configuration file.

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Handling Auto-Generated Django Files in Pre-Commit with Regex

When working with Django, certain files, especially within the migrations directory, are automatically generated. These files often fail to meet the stringent requirements of tools like pylint, causing pre-commit hooks to fail. This blog post will guide you through using Regex to exclude these auto-generated files in your pre-commit configuration, ensuring smoother commit processes.

Understanding the Problem

Auto-generated files by Django, particularly those in the migrations folder, typically do not conform to pylint standards, resulting in errors during pre-commit checks. These files generally follow a naming convention that makes them identifiable, which we can leverage to exclude them using Regex patterns.

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Friday 12 July 2024

Working with Nested Arrays in Python: Practical Examples

Nested arrays, or arrays of arrays, are a fundamental concept in programming, often used to represent matrices, grids, or any multi-dimensional data. In Python, nested arrays can be efficiently managed using lists, or for more complex applications, with libraries like NumPy. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create, manipulate, and utilize nested arrays in Python through practical examples.

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Thursday 11 July 2024

Resolving the Security Alert in Angular Google Maps Applications

Developers using the Google Maps Platform, particularly in Angular applications, have encountered a concerning security alert related to This post aims to demystify the issue and provide actionable steps to ensure your web application remains secure and functional.

Understanding the Alert

The security alert from Google Cloud Platform indicates a potential vulnerability with, a service widely used to ensure web applications work across all browsers by filling gaps in ECMAScript support. While Angular applications utilize a built-in polyfills.ts which is different and unrelated to, the alert has caused confusion among developers who use Google Maps in their projects.

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Wednesday 10 July 2024

Troubleshooting Maven JavaFX Dependency Issues on Multiple OS Platforms

Developing JavaFX applications with Maven can sometimes hit a snag, particularly when dealing with dependency resolution across different operating systems. This blog post explores a common issue faced by developers when Maven fails to resolve JavaFX dependencies, particularly when transitioning between Linux, Windows, and macOS environments.

The Issue 

When attempting to run mvn clean install on a Maven project that includes JavaFX dependencies, developers may encounter the following error on Windows or macOS, despite the setup working flawlessly on Linux:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project RNGame: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.ceebee:RNGame:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.openjfx:javafx-controls:jar:${javafx.platform}:21.0.3 (absent), org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:jar:${javafx.platform}:21.0.3 (absent), org.openjfx:javafx-base:jar:${javafx.platform}:21.0.3 (absent), org.openjfx:javafx-fxml:jar:${javafx.platform}:21.0.3 (absent), org.openjfx:javafx-media:jar:${javafx.platform}:21.0.3 (absent): Could not find artifact org.openjfx:javafx-controls:jar:${javafx.platform}:21.0.3 in central (

This error indicates that Maven cannot resolve the JavaFX dependencies due to an issue with the platform-specific classifier ${javafx.platform}.

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Tuesday 9 July 2024

Solving React Native Emulator Issues on macOS

If you’re developing mobile applications with React Native, you might encounter issues when trying to launch an Android emulator. A common error is:

Failed to launch emulator. Reason: The emulator quit before it finished opening.

This blog post explores solutions to this frustrating problem, based on real-world experiences and slightly different scenarios.

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Monday 8 July 2024

Mastering Perl CGI Script Debugging: A Comprehensive Guide

Perl’s CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts have been a backbone of web programming for decades, enabling dynamic content on the web long before the advent of more modern frameworks. However, debugging CGI scripts can be particularly challenging due to the server-side execution and the need to interact properly with web browsers. This detailed guide will walk you through the essentials of debugging Perl CGI scripts effectively, with practical examples and insights to enhance your debugging skills.

1. Understanding Perl CGI Script Challenges

CGI scripts are executed by the web server and interact directly with the browser via HTTP headers and the body content. Debugging these scripts can be tricky due to several factors:

  • Server Environment: The script runs in a server environment, potentially with different permissions or libraries than your local environment.
  • HTTP Protocol Nuances: Incorrect handling of HTTP headers or status codes can lead to failures that are silent in traditional debugging outputs.
  • Browser-Side Effects: Outputs are rendered in a browser, requiring an understanding of how browsers interpret data.

2. Setting Up Your Environment for Debugging

Before diving into debugging, ensure your environment is conducive to identifying and fixing bugs:

Error Handling with CGI::Carp

The CGI::Carp module is invaluable for capturing errors and directing them to the browser, which helps in debugging during development phases.

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);

# This will print all errors to the browser, including warnings

This setup is beneficial for immediate feedback but should be turned off in production to avoid exposing sensitive information.

Syntax Checking

Always check the syntax of your script before testing it in a browser:

perl -c script.cgi

This command checks the syntax without executing the code, ensuring there are no compilation errors.

3. Implementing Robust Logging

Logging is a critical component of debugging CGI scripts. It allows you to trace the execution flow and understand the state of your application at any point.

Creating a Simple Logger

You can create a simple logging function that writes messages to a file. This method provides a persistent record of the script’s operation, which can be invaluable for post-mortem analysis.

sub log_message {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    open my $log, '>>', '/tmp/my_cgi_log.txt' or die "Cannot open log: $!";
    print $log "$msg\n";
    close $log;

log_message("Starting script execution.");

4. Using the Perl Debugger

Perl’s built-in debugger can be used to debug CGI scripts interactively. To use the debugger, you can modify the shebang line temporarily or configure your web server to execute the CGI script under the debugger.

Modifying the Shebang Line

Temporarily change the shebang line in your CGI script for debugging:

#!/usr/bin/perl -d

This change lets the script run under the Perl debugger, enabling step-by-step execution.

5. Browser Developer Tools

Understanding the HTTP exchange between your CGI script and the browser is crucial. Use the Network tab in browser developer tools to monitor HTTP requests and responses, checking for correct status codes and headers.

6. Testing with Mock Environments

Testing CGI scripts outside the web server environment can speed up debugging. Use modules like Test::MockObject to simulate CGI environment variables.

use Test::MockObject;
use CGI;

my $cgi = CGI->new();
my $mock_cgi = Test::MockObject->new();
$mock_cgi->mock( 'param', sub { return 'test_value'; } );

print "Parameter: ", $cgi->param('some_param'), "\n";

7. Profiling CGI Scripts

For performance issues, profiling tools like Devel::NYTProf can be used to find bottlenecks in your CGI scripts.

perl -d:NYTProf script.cgi
nytprofhtml --open

This command runs your script with profiling enabled and generates an HTML report of the results, allowing you to see which parts of your code are slow.

Debugging Perl CGI scripts requires a mix of traditional and web-specific debugging techniques. By leveraging tools like CGI::Carp, the Perl debugger, and browser developer tools, along with effective logging and testing practices, you can significantly improve the reliability and performance of your CGI applications. Effective debugging not only saves development time but also ensures a smoother, more robust user experience.

8. Simulating Server Environment Variables

CGI scripts rely heavily on environment variables to make decisions and handle requests. You can simulate these variables in your local testing environment to mimic server conditions. This can be crucial for debugging parts of your script that depend on specific server settings or user inputs.

Example of Simulating Environment Variables

You can manually set environment variables in your Perl script for debugging purposes:

$ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = 'id=123&name=John';

This setup mimics a POST request with form data, allowing you to test your script’s handling of POST data without a web server.

9. Using Conditional Debugging

Sometimes, you need to debug a script only when certain conditions are met. You can insert conditional debugging checks that activate debugging code only under specific circumstances.

Conditional Debugging Example

use CGI;
my $query = CGI->new;

if ($query->param('debug') == 1) {
    use Data::Dumper;
    print $query->header('text/plain');
    print Dumper($query->Vars);

This snippet activates detailed debugging output when a ‘debug’ parameter is passed with the value 1. This allows dynamic debugging based on runtime conditions without altering the script for every debug session.

10. Integrating External Debugging Tools

Integrate your Perl CGI scripts with external debugging tools like browser extensions or network monitoring tools. Tools such as Fiddler or Chrome’s Network Developer Tools can provide insights into HTTP headers, response codes, and the content being transmitted and received.

Setting Up Fiddler to Monitor CGI Scripts

  1. Install Fiddler and start it.
  2. Configure your browser to use Fiddler as a proxy.
  3. Run your CGI script and observe the HTTP request and response data in Fiddler. This can help you spot misconfigurations in headers or status codes.

11. Error Handling and Custom Error Pages

Robust error handling can prevent your script from failing silently. Implementing custom error handling in your CGI scripts can help catch and diagnose errors before they affect users.

Implementing Custom Error Handling

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI;
my $query = CGI->new;

    sub handle_errors {
        my $error = shift;
        print $query->header(-status => '500 Internal Server Error'),
              $query->p('An unexpected error occurred.'),
              $query->p("Error details: $error"),
    $SIG{__DIE__} = \&handle_errors;

This custom error handler catches fatal errors and displays a more informative error page to the user, which can also include debugging information if appropriate.

12. Continuous Integration and Automated Testing

Automating the testing of your CGI scripts using continuous integration (CI) tools can help catch bugs early in the development cycle. Set up tests to run automatically whenever changes are made to the script.

Setting Up a Simple CI Pipeline

  1. Write Tests: Use Perl’s Test::More or similar modules to write tests for your CGI script.
  2. Configure CI Server: Use a CI server like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions to automate the execution of your tests upon code commits.
  3. Review Results: Check the test results for each commit to ensure changes don’t introduce new errors.

By implementing these additional steps, you can achieve a more thorough and effective debugging process for your Perl CGI scripts, ensuring they perform reliably and efficiently under various conditions.


Sunday 7 July 2024

Integrating Third-Party API with ServiceNow: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the digital transformation era, integration is a critical component, enabling disparate systems to communicate and operate seamlessly. For organizations using ServiceNow, integrating third-party APIs can vastly improve efficiency and data consistency across ITSM processes. In this blog post, we’ll walk through a practical example of integrating a third-party weather API into ServiceNow, allowing you to display real-time weather updates in your ServiceNow dashboard. This can be particularly useful for incident response teams who need weather information for operational awareness.

Understanding ServiceNow Integration

ServiceNow provides a robust platform for managing IT services and operations. One of its strengths is its ability to integrate with other applications and services via its API. For our example, we will use the OpenWeatherMap API, a popular service that provides weather data.


  • Access to a ServiceNow instance
  • API key from OpenWeatherMap

Step 1: Obtain API Key from OpenWeatherMap

Before you can fetch weather data, you need to register on the OpenWeatherMap website and obtain an API key. This key is essential for making requests to their API and receiving data.

Step 2: Create a Scripted REST API in ServiceNow

ServiceNow allows developers to create custom APIs using the Scripted REST API feature. Here’s how you can set one up to consume the weather data:

  1. Navigate to the Scripted REST APIs: In your ServiceNow instance, go to System Web Services > Scripted REST APIs.
  2. Create a new Scripted REST API: Click on New to create a new API. Name it something descriptive like “Weather Integration.”
  3. Create a GET method: Under the resources tab, add a new resource for a GET method, which will be used to retrieve weather data.

Step 3: Scripting the GET Method

In the resource you just created, you’ll need to write a script that makes an HTTP request to the OpenWeatherMap API. Here’s an example script:

(function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {

    // Define the endpoint and API key
    var endpoint = '';
    var apiKey = 'your_api_key_here';
    var city = 'London';  // You can dynamically set this based on input
    // Construct the full URL
    var url = endpoint + '?q=' + city + '&appid=' + apiKey;

    // Make the HTTP request
    var httpClient = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
    // Send the request and get the response
    var httpResponse = httpClient.execute();
    var statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusCode();
    var responseBody = httpResponse.getBody();
    // Parse the JSON response
    var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
    // Respond with weather data
    return {
        statusCode: statusCode,
        temperature: Math.round(jsonData.main.temp - 273.15)  // Convert Kelvin to Celsius

})(request, response);

Step 4: Testing and Validation

Once your API is set up, test it by sending a request to the resource URL. You should see the weather data returned in JSON format, which includes the current weather condition and temperature for the specified city.

Integrating third-party APIs into ServiceNow can significantly extend the platform’s capabilities, providing users with real-time data and additional functionalities. This example of integrating a weather API not only enhances the usability of ServiceNow for operational teams but also serves as a foundation for more complex integrations. By leveraging ServiceNow’s Scripted REST APIs, you can tailor the platform to meet specific organizational needs, driving efficiency and data-driven decision-making.


Saturday 6 July 2024

Resolving the numpy.dtype size changed Error in Matlab-Python Integration

If you’re integrating Python and Matlab, especially for NLP tasks using libraries like spacy, encountering binary incompatibility errors such as numpy.dtype size changed can be a major roadblock. This error typically arises due to a mismatch in the compiled versions of the libraries in use, often between NumPy and its dependent libraries.

Understanding the Error

The error message:

ValueError: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96 from C header, got 88 from PyObject.

indicates a version conflict, where the expected size of a data type in NumPy does not match the actual size in the current environment. This mismatch often occurs after updating or changing versions of libraries without ensuring compatibility.

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Friday 5 July 2024

Navigating Compatibility Issues with NumPy 2.0 in Python Projects

When developing Python applications that utilize libraries like OpenCV and imutils, compatibility with NumPy versions can cause significant roadblocks. Recently, the release of NumPy 2.0 introduced breaking changes that can affect existing projects, as demonstrated by a common error when trying to run a module compiled with an earlier version of NumPy on the latest release.


The core issue arises when libraries dependent on NumPy, such as OpenCV, are used in an environment where an incompatible version of NumPy is installed. This mismatch can lead to errors like ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import or AttributeError: _ARRAY_API not found. These errors are typically encountered during the import phase of the project, preventing the application from even starting.

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Thursday 4 July 2024

Essential Kubernetes Tools to Enhance Your DevOps Workflow

Kubernetes has become an essential part of the DevOps toolkit, offering robust solutions for managing containerized applications at scale. Whether you’re monitoring logs, managing network policies, or handling secrets, there’s a tool designed to simplify these tasks. Here’s a look at some standout tools that can enhance your Kubernetes workflow:

1. Stern

Stern enhances log monitoring by incorporating regex support for both Pod and Container IDs, working similarly to the Linux tail -f command. This tool is especially useful for developers looking for real-time log monitoring.

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Wednesday 3 July 2024

ServiceNow’s Table API: Advanced Techniques for Streamlined Data Management

ServiceNow’s Table API is a potent tool that facilitates seamless interactions with the platform’s extensive data model. While basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are fundamental, the Table API’s capabilities extend much further, addressing complex data management challenges with finesse. In this guide, we will explore advanced techniques and real-world scenarios that empower developers and administrators to harness the full potential of this essential tool.

Beyond the Basics: Expanding Your Table API Arsenal

Relationship Management:
ServiceNow’s data model thrives on relationships between records. Utilizing the Table API, you can dynamically create, modify, or remove associations through reference fields. This capability is crucial for linking incidents to relevant users or configuration items, enhancing traceability and accountability.

// Link incident to a configuration item
var gr = new GlideRecord('incident');
gr.cmdb_ci = '<sys_id_of_ci>';
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Tuesday 2 July 2024

Automating Firefox using Perl

Automation is essential for modern web development, testing, and data extraction. The Firefox::Marionette Perl module simplifies the automation of Firefox using the Marionette protocol. This blog post demonstrates how to use Firefox::Marionette for essential tasks like navigating web pages, interacting with web elements, handling alerts, and managing cookies. We’ll start with an example script and then explore more advanced functionalities.

Installing Firefox::Marionette

Before diving into the examples, ensure you have the module installed:

cpan install Firefox::Marionette

Or use cpanm:

cpanm Firefox::Marionette

Additionally, ensure Marionette is enabled in Firefox by starting it with the -marionette flag:

firefox -marionette
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Monday 1 July 2024

Managing Multiple Requests with Perl and DBI::MySQL: Key Interview Topics

In the realm of backend development, managing multiple database requests efficiently is crucial. Perl, coupled with the powerful DBI module, provides a robust solution for interacting with MySQL databases. In this blog post, we’ll delve into managing multiple requests using Perl and DBI::MySQL and explore essential interview topics related to this integration.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before diving into code, ensure you have Perl and DBI installed. You can install the DBI and DBD::mysql modules via CPAN:

cpan DBI
cpan DBD::mysql

Next, let’s establish a connection to a MySQL database.

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