Friday 10 November 2023

Best Resources to Learn Artificial Intelligence where Unlock the Power of AI for Free

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the way we live and work. With its increasing demand in various industries, learning AI has become a crucial step towards building a successful career in tech. However, quality resources for learning AI can be expensive, making it challenging for those who cannot afford them. But worry not! We've got you covered with some amazing free resources to learn AI. In this article, we will explore the best resources to help you get started with AI, including courses, tutorials, and communities that won't cost you a penny.

Microsoft AI for Beginners:

Microsoft's AI for Beginners is an excellent resource for those new to AI. This comprehensive guide covers the basics of machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. The tutorial is designed to be easy to understand, making it perfect for beginners. You'll also find interactive coding exercises to practice your skills. 

Click on the link to get started:

Google AI Education:

Google AI Education offers a wide range of free resources for learning AI, including online courses, tutorials, and case studies. Their Machine Learning Crash Course is a popular choice among beginners, covering topics like supervised and unsupervised learning, TensorFlow, and more. Additionally, their AI for Everyone series provides valuable insights into the ethical considerations of AI. 

Check out their website here:

Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera:

Andrew Ng, one of the pioneers of AI, offers a free course on deep learning through Coursera. This specialization includes five courses that cover the fundamentals of deep learning, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and sequence models. It's an excellent opportunity to learn from the best in the field. 

Enroll now by clicking this link:

Data Science Fun on Telegram:

Data Science Fun is a vibrant community on Telegram where you can find numerous resources for learning AI, ML, and data science. They share interesting articles, research papers, and projects regularly. Join their community by 

clicking the link:

AI Roadmap:

AI Roadmap is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to learn about AI, ML, and deep learning. Their roadmap includes a curated list of free resources, including books, videos, and courses. It's an excellent place to start your AI journey, as it provides a clear pathway to learning these technologies. 

Explore their roadmap here:


QN27PL is a unique platform that offers a variety of free resources for learning AI, including eBooks, webinars, and tutorials. Their resources are designed to provide hands-on experience with AI tools and frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras. Don't miss out on their excellent content; 

click this link to access their resources:

Learning AI doesn't have to break the bank. These free resources offer an excellent starting point for anyone interested in pursuing a career in AI. From beginner-friendly tutorials to advanced courses, there's something for everyone. Take advantage of these opportunities and unlock the power of AI today!



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